Page 106 of Hunting the Alpha

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Iargued for a topaz stone to match Donovan’s eyes for my engagement ring, him finally compromising because we commissioned for it to have two smaller diamonds on either side.

We’d collected it a few weeks ago, and now the ring sparkled in the sunlight as I painted on the canvas I’d set up outside, adding color to the trees I’d sketched out.

Seeing the brush of green paint in my hand, I recalled the vision I’d had during the mating of me painting outside while pregnant.

There wasn’t a baby on the scene yet—even if Donovan had said he’d put one inside me tomorrow if I let him. But getting married in six months was enough for now.

Genevieve—even though she’d quit the business—had agreed to be both my wedding planner and a bridesmaid alongside Grace. That took some of the weight off. I’d also managed to seal a deal with a gallery a town over to get several paintings over to them in the next few months. My savings would tide me over until then, even though Donovan hated it, but it was essential for me to pay my own way. It gave me control after so much had changed, and he shut up moaning about it once I agreed I would call the cabin our home, and the bedroom our bedroom, and the bed…

Donovan came outside, the beauty of the sun starting to set. I’d only have a bit of sunlight left to finish up on the shadowing of the painted trees.

He asked, “How are you getting on?”

“I’ll be in soon.”

Coming up behind me, he wrapped his arms around my waist and studied the painting. “It’s looking good.”

“There’s a lot more work to do yet, but it’s getting there. Are we dining in tonight?”

“Yeah. I’ll throw us some chicken in soon. Make you some of my sexy salad.”

I laughed, remembering our first night together. “Add some of Emily’s apple pie for dessert and you’re on to a winner.” I turned to him for a kiss, careful not to get paint on his clothes.

A car door slamming had us both looking up. Grace had pulled into the driveway, and she was storming past us into the cabin. “I don’t want to talk about it,” was all she said before she disappeared inside.

Two minutes after that, Kyran’s truck pulled up behind Grace’s car. He got out, slammed his door shut, and told us, “She’s a stubborn pain in the ass!” before stomping off into the cabin after her.

“I see they’re no closer to resolving anything then,” I sighed, removing my arms from my mate to put down the brush and wipe my hands. Painting was done for the night after all. Donovan draped an arm around my shoulders.

“They’re getting worse. I'll go dump a bucket of cold water over the two of them. Cool them down before I throw them out so I can fuck you.”

I patted his chest. “Let’s go see what’s happened this time before you soak the floors.”

“Fine,” he muttered, “I’ll go get the coffee.”

“I’ll go get the beer.”

He laughed, kissing me on the lips. “Did I tell you how much I love you?”

“Only a few times this morning.” I smiled.

“Well I do.” He kissed me again, the heat instant between us. “And I’ll tell you again later, when I’m deep inside you, and your beautiful tits are caressing my palms.” He frowned. “Let’s hurry up and get rid of the our grumpy guests so I can fuck you again and again.” He held out his fist. “Divide and conquer?”

I fist-bumped him, both of us mimicking an explosion with our hands—a sign of what Kyran and Grace’s friendship had become. “Divide and conquer.”

“Come on then. Let’s go sort them out so I can get my hands on you, and have you for supper.”


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