Page 41 of Hunting the Alpha

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He seemed disappointed. “No one to get back to once you’re done in Albuquerque?”

“No. Not really.” I grabbed my purse, trying not to show that his strange questions threw me off. I refused to look at him—couldn’t even bring myself to do so—so it surprised me when he arrived at my window, opening the door for me. “Thanks.”

He said nothing more, his hand resting possessively on my waist, directing me toward the bar.

We entered a place in full flow. A band played on stage. People danced. Others sat or stood in small crowds.

Among the number of people, I could breathe, even if the heat of Donovan’s touch seemed to sear my skin through the fabric. The thought of hurting him made me want to scream in frustration.

“I’ll go get us a drink,” I yelled above the music and the chatter of the crowd. “Why don’t you find us a seat?”

“It’s my turn to get the drinks,” he said, stroking my arm. I snatched it away without thinking.

“No. It’s the least I can do for how welcoming you’ve been. I won’t be long.” I hurried away before he could argue, clutching the strap of my purse as if it were my lifeline.

Grateful when Donovan didn’t follow, I made my way to the bar.

“What you drinking?” the bartender asked when my turn came around.

“Two beers, please. Bottled.”

He studied me. “Out of towner, eh?”

“Just passing through.”

“Alright,” he drawled, moving off to get the beers. I used the time discreetly to feed my hand into my purse and grasp the white power packed into a plastic bag. Holding it so tight my nails dug into my palm, I waited for the beers. The bartender put them before me and took my money. “Enjoy your night at The Robin.”

“Thanks, I will.”

My hands shook, watching him leave.I can’t do this.

You can, I ordered myself.You have no choice.

Taking a bottle, I lowered it out of sight, discreetly tipping the white powder inside. Discarding the bag once done, I took both beers and kept the drugged one in my right hand, taking a few breaths to steady myself while scouring the bar for Donovan. He waved me over from an empty table in the corner. I headed over to him, my legs trembling so much that I had to concentrate on each step.

“Are you okay?” He asked out of concern.

“I’m fine.” I put the beer down in front of him.

“Thanks for the drink.”

“You’re welcome. And thank you… for everything.”

He didn’t reach for the beer, and the panic inside me grew.

Drink it, drink it, drink it.

“How about a dance?” he suggested with a smile. “It’s what we came for, isn’t it? We can work up a thirst.”

“I don’t—”

“Come on.” He got up and took my hand in his. To the people at the table next to us, he said, “Watch our drinks, folks, will you? I need to take this lady for a spin.”

The older man of the couple laughed. “Sure we will, kids. Have fun!”

Donovan smiled, leading me onto the dance floor. I wanted to run out of the bar, but I couldn’t. Donovan held me closer, tying in with the slower beat of the band’s next song. He rested his arm on my back, with his other hand clasping mine. “I’ve wanted to get this close to you all day.”

I attempted a smile, but I couldn’t quite make it, falling into the sway of the dance.
