Page 50 of Hunting the Alpha

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Iwoke in an empty bed to the aroma of bacon and pancakes.

Sitting up, blinking against the light of the open drapes, I took a moment to recall my bearings.

Donovan’s bed.

Memories of the night before put a smile on my face. But then the worry for Will and the thought of talking to Grace hit like lead in my stomach.

Pushing the sheets back, I looked down to see I still wore Donovan’s shirt. The last thing I remembered was falling asleep on his shoulder outside.

Did he carry me up here?

I rolled my eyes.No Savannah.You flew.

With my brain barely functioning, I decided to clean up before going in search of coffee.

I found Donovan’s bathroom connected to the bedroom and noticed my bag in the corner. He must have brought it up from the truck.

Rooting through my bag, I found my toothbrush and got to work in front of the large mirror hung above two basins built into drawers of wood with gilded handles. Whoever had built this had done so with care, so much beauty in the detail of the wooden walls, modern toilet, a walk-in shower, and claw-foot tub. But what I loved the most was the window built from ceiling to floor that looked upon stunning views I hadn’t seen the night before because of the dark.

Once finished, I walked barefoot across the tile, drawn to the view. I understood why Donovan lived here rather than in town. His acre of land ended with a border of firs, the trees the only barrier between the cabin and the beautiful hills and mountains seen beyond the trees. He’d get up every morning to this and never feel alone, embracing a sense of freedom from his surroundings.

My finger touched the glass as if I could feel what he sought. And the more I learned, the more I liked him. Only I was clueless about how to react to the feelings growing inside.

You’re screwed,Savannah. And in more ways than one.

Damn. The sex. The need for him. He still sought my pleasure, even when he struggled to hold back. I’d wanted him again but, exhausted, my body had other ideas last night.

Put on the brakes.


Good idea.

I needed a shower. Some caffeine. But the need for coffee won out. Caffeine first. Shower later.

Leading out of the bedroom, my head still foggy from sleep, I found the stairs, and headed down into the grand space where the base of the stairwell entered the living room.

I noticed the wolves first. Carved from wood, I couldn’t believe the coincidence of seeing them in his home compared to what I’d drawn in the sketch. No wonder he’d reacted that way to my picture.

Rubbing my eyes, I moved closer toward them, stroking the head of one. Three wolves protected a woman in the center, her long hair spilling to the floor.

“It’s the Goddess Leto,” Donovan said from behind me, making me jump. I put a hand to my chest.

“You scared me.”

“Sorry,” he smiled. He wore only jeans, his muscled chest bare, and I had to admit, I gawked.


“Good morning to you, too.” He approached me, feeding his hand around my waist and snaking the other into my hair. He kissed me, soft and welcoming. “What a beautiful sight to see first thing.”

“I could say that about your bathroom.” I grinned, tip-toeing for another kiss. He happily obliged.

When he pulled away, he said, “So, you’ve found my wolves.”
