Page 68 of Hunting the Alpha

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The bar was busier than the last time, males dominating the females in-house five to one. Everyone turned their heads when we entered, the guys blatant about their eye-fucking. Grace got more attention than she realized, ordering the tequilas, handing me one, and forcing the knock-back so she could order another.

“This is the problem with wolves,” she told me as we waited for the tequila slammer and two Sexy Bitch cocktails. “They’re so goddamn possessive when their animal instincts take over. They don’t like someone sniffing around the one they claim as their territory. It sucks balls.” She hesitated, reining in her anger for my benefit. “Don’t get me wrong. If they’re a decent person they’ll try their best to counteract it. But at least they don’t use the narcissistic spiel such as, ‘I’m only doing it for your sake; it’s because I care about you, or I love you too much.’ They just flat out show their wolf side when jealousy hits and become overbearing asswipes.”

“Yeah. I don’t get red flags from Donovan in that way.” But what did I know? I sighed. “I hope I’m right.”

“You are. He’s doing well tonight believe it or not. If he gave in to his true nature, you wouldn’t be here in the first place. And definitely not wearing that. He also hasn’t shown weakness so far, chasing you down here, warning all the guys here off you. It must be killing him. Especially now the mate magic has triggered between you.”

“That’s one of the things I want to talk to you about.”

Grace handed me the second tequila. “Drink this first.”

We knocked back the shots and grabbed the cocktails and the bottles of beer on the house sent over from a group of guys across the bar. Grace raised the drink in thanks, they winked, then we made a quick escape to a table in the corner.

“So,” Grace clinked her glass against mine, “here’s to confessing all. What’s up?”

I huddled closer so she could hear me above the music. “I think I’m falling in love with a man who I’ve only known for a week. He’s a wolf. There’s a huge cloud hovering over us in the form of Gideon Fletcher and my uncle. So do you see? Do you see how crazy it would be to take this any further with Donovan after such a short amount of time? People don’t do that. Do they? Am I an idiot if I go along with this?”

Grace smiled. “Let me tell you what’s going to happen. You’re going to take that risk, because you already know, deep down, that you couldn’t drive away from here and return to your old life without returning to Donovan. You know, in your heart, that you’re already in love, something greater than the limits told to you by human convention. You’re going to save your uncle, and let Donovan help you, all while trusting your gut and not giving in to fear. But that’s not all.”

“It isn’t?”

“Nope. You’re also gonna drink these drinks, talk shit, and laugh with me, then we’re gonna go put some money down on the table and hustle Sam and Oscar. We’ll have them off the pool table and own it for the night in no time.”

I laughed. “Sounds like a plan.”

“Yeah, it is. And we’re gonna dance while doing it. The rest of the shit and overthinking can wait for tomorrow.”

Resigned to my fate, I clinked her glass with mine, and said, "Here's to being Fate's Bitch."

"With a sweet side dish of tequila."
