Page 98 of Hunting the Alpha

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With one swoop I shifted from human to wolf, feeling my way through the red haze of my animal—the burning need intense, wanting to taste Gideon’s blood.

Gideon had already shifted, circling me. He was big as I was, only his coat of fur was a mix of lighter gold. He taunted me, howling to the skies and showing his fangs.

We stalked one another, waiting for the other to take the first strike. But I wasn’t willing to play drawn-out games. Not when Savannah was in Victor’s clutches somewhere.

Diving at my enemy, I expected the swipe of Gideon’s paw, letting it catch the side of my head. It exposed the underside of Gideon’s soft belly, and I struck, scraping my claws into his flesh.

Gideon’s wolf yelped, retreating fast, wondering where the hit had come from. I aimed for the throat, but he turned in time, our noses butting one another with a crash. I caught hold of fur, but not enough skin, so I pounced again, my wolf hungry for more. I caught Gideon’s face with my claws. The bastard whined, trying to retreat yet again, but I wouldn’t let him. I rolled onto my hind legs and wrapped my paws around his neck, tugging him to the ground, trying to get to his neck.

Gideon kept his head low so my fangs couldn’t get access, and I fucked up. So focused on getting in a bite, I left myself open, and he took advantage, biting into my neck.

I roared, trying to shove him away with my paw. He held on, so I stabbed his stomach with my claws, staggering back when he let go with a whine. My neck stung, but he hadn’t bitten deep enough to do damage.

Gideon grew arrogant, coming for me again. I ducked, twisting around as if chasing my tail, coming back around to crack my paw against his face, claws out ready to do damage. I ducked again, using his own wolf instincts against him, and clawed across his neck, then the joints on one of his legs. Then the other.

Gideon faltered, turning, trying to catch me. But I was faster. I aimed for the back legs, gashing near the tendon. He went for me, and I let go, finding my final opening. With a final leap, I landed with my jaws around his throat. He collapsed beneath his weakened legs, crashing against the ground.

I bit even harder. Blood coated my throat and my wolf drank thirstily, needing more, needing all of it. But the bastard couldn’t even have an honorable death. Gideon shifted into his human self, slipping free from the jaw of my wolf.

“He concedes!” Max yelled.

I growled and snatched my jaw at Gideon’s naked form. He edged away slowly and I took satisfaction from the blood pouring from his neck. Max continued, “Donovan wins the challenge!”

“Tell him to back away or the deal is off,” Gideon ordered with a quiver in his voice.

“Donovan. Yield!” Max ordered. But my wolf didn’t want to yield. He desired nothing more than to tear out Gideon’s throat. This nightmare had to end. We wanted justice, and I wanted death.

“Think of Savannah!” Grace shouted from the crowd, her soft voice breaking through the rage and the droplet of reign I had over my wolf.

Speedily, I shifted, making a point of wiping the blood from my mouth. “I need to get to Savannah,” I growled. “If Victor has hurt her …”

“You’ll do what?” Gideon said, clutching his neck. He scurried back to his clothes and stood on shaky legs caked with blood. “I’ve conceded. The challenge is over. Unless you want to come for me anyway, boy. Go on. Break the law. Orange might suit you.”

Ignoring him, I turned to leave. A gasp from the crowd was too late a warning as I spun around to see a gun in Gideon’s hand. He aimed and fired, and I had no time to dodge the bullet. I had no choice but to accept my fate, hoping Max would intervene to keep the others and Savannah safe from Gideon’s onslaught.

A flash of something flew before me. An ‘oomph’ echoed in my ears as a body dropped at my feet.

Someone had jumped in the way. They’d taken a bullet for me.

“W-who?”I stammered, falling to my knees next to the body on the ground. Another gunshot rang through the night. I looked up to see a bullet hit Gideon in his shoulder, and Savannah appeared.

Thank fuck.

She’s okay.

She’d also just shot Gideon, her gun still pointed at the son of a bitch.

“Put the gun down!” she ordered. I looked down to see her Uncle, lying on the ground, bleeding out onto the grass.

Will had saved me?

“Drop it, Gideon. Now!” Savannah dragged my attention back to her. I waved over the doctor to help her uncle, eager to get to my mate, to get her out of the line of fire.

Gideon laughed, happy he’d got at least one person she loved from the hit. Savannah didn’t react. Her hands were firm, keeping her eyes away from her uncle.

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