Page 61 of Shake Up My Life

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Brianne tilts her head to the side, her eyes searching mine, but thankfully she doesn’t say anything. She’s got something on her mind, but she’s not saying it. Instead, she just watches. I’m glad for that, I could go my whole life and never hear her voice again at this point.

The man marches toward her angrily and I watch in horror as he lifts his hand, wrapping his fingers around the front of her throat and squeezes. He’s still pissed from whatever his phone call was about. I’m not about to ask him though.

He doesn’t say anything, but his gaze shifts to me, holding mine as he chokes her. He looks like he’s in a completely different world, like he’s not even really here. His eyes are black and vacant as he stares straight at me. It’s almost like he is choking me through her… or at least trying to.

I think about stopping him, about begging him to stop, because her face is starting to turn a purplish hue, but if I do that then she could live. She claims she’s pregnant. I should really beg him to stop because of that baby, but at the same time, I don’t want her to live.

I’m an asshole, a horrible person, I know that I am. I’ll no doubt go straight to hell when my time is up.

At the very least, I’m selfish.

If Brianne is gone, that’s better for me. She won’t be around to try and sabotage my relationship. If she’s pregnant, I’m pretty sure that Wesley would not abandon his baby, so if she’s gone, then I won’t have to worry about that whole situation.

“You’re completely fucking useless to me now, cunt,” the stranger growls.

When her eyes start to roll in the back of her head, I hold up my hand, opening my mouth to beg him to stop, but no sound comes out. It’s as if I’m completely frozen inside and out.

I stare in complete shock. He’s really going to kill her. I can’t allow myself to be the person who accepts this, no matter how much easier it would make my life… if I live.

Standing, I force myself to move. Then I quickly and as quietly as possible run toward him before I jump on his back. I should not be trying to save this bitch, she’s a horrible human, and she’s the reason I’m here, but I’m not saving her for her, not fighting for her, because of her… I’m doing it all for myself.

It’s probably even more selfish than just sitting back and watching him kill her, but I don’t care. It doesn’t matter.Thisis so that I can sleep at night.

“Youcunt,” he shouts, trying to throw me off of him, but I don’t let him.

I wrap my arm around his throat, squeezing as tight as I can, but I don’t think it does much of anything. I try as hard as humanly possible, but he’s not bothered by me. He essentially is acting as if I’m just an annoyance… like a fly buzzing around his head or something.

Then it happens.

There is a loud noise. It isn’t just a car door slamming somewhere in the distance or anything like that. Nope, this is in the house, and it is loud. So loud that even this asshole pauses and releases his hands from Brianne’s throat.

I take this opportunity to let out a scream as I start to scratch at his face. Also, in the same breath, I curse myself for not being able to grow my nails longer. I would love to really dig into this asshole’s face, maybe even take out an eye or both.

“Holy fucking shit,” a voice exhales, almost as if they’re in awe.

“Jesus fucking Christ,” another deep voice murmurs.

I don’t stop with my mission though, I continue to claw at this jackass, then two arms wrap around me and pull me off of him. I kick and fight. I don’t know who is behind me, it doesn’t matter, all I know is that I need to get rid of this bastard.

“Buttercup, it’s okay, I fuckin’ got you.”

It hits me. The voice, then the feel of the arms, it’s as if the sensation slides throughout my entire body and I let out a sigh as I completely relax in his arms. “I got you, Tanner. I fucking got you.”

Closing my eyes, I try to keep the tears from falling, but I fail. They slide right down my cheeks as my body begins to tremble.


Brent is beside me, and as soon as I have Tanner safe in my grasp, he starts shouting that he’s a police officer and demands that Sinks get down on the floor. I hold Tanner against my chest, refusing to let her go as the fucking coward drops to his stomach and puts his hands at his side.

Brianne is lying on the floor, her eyes closed, and I stare at her for a long moment, then turn Tanner around to face me. Dipping my chin, I shift my attention from Brianne to Tanner. “Why the fuck is she here?” I demand.

Tanner shakes her head once, closing her eyes slowly before she opens them again and tilts her head back to look up at me.

“She told him where I was, that I was going to school. He was waiting for me there and drug me away. She claims she’s pregnant with your baby.”
