Page 72 of Shake Up My Life

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Slipping out of the bedroom, I leave Tanner naked, sated, and asleep. I have to deal with Brianne. Fuck me, but I don’t know what exactly I’m going to do with her. Byron and Frogger are guarding her door when I walk down the hallway.

“She still asleep?” I ask.

Byron shrugs a shoulder. “Tiny left about thirty minutes ago. Told us to just stand by.”

“I’m going to talk to Prez for a minute and I’ll be back,” I say. I don’t know why I feel like I have to announce it, but they need to know that I’ll be making my way back here.

It doesn’t take me long to find Prez. The old ladies are still around the bar and his is hanging on to his side. Making my way to him, I jerk my chin toward the hallway. Thankfully he doesn’t make me talk to him in the middle of the bar. He takes my hint, and he meets me in the hall.

“What’s up?” he asks as soon as he stands in front of me.

“Brianne,” I announce. “I need to deal with that shit tonight.”

Prez dips his chin, lifting his hand to his face and I watch as he rubs his jaw. He’s thinking, which means he hasn’t made a decision yet. I don’t know if the bitch needs to die a slow, painful death, but she definitely needs to fucking go.

“You brought her in, no background check by Bans, and she ended up being bad fucking news. I still don’t know how she got ahold of Sinks or how that played out, we may never know.”

“Probably won’t,” I mutter. “Way Tiny says it, she’s not right in the head at all. Fuck, I am sick that I brought the bitch into the clubhouse.”

“You were pissed, hurting or whatever,” he says. “I get it. We all know I’ve done my fair share of fucking with women that I shouldn’t.”

I almost laugh, but he’s not wrong. He’s fucked with some of the wrong fucking women. I have too. Hell, I think we all have at this point. Sucking in a breath, I turn to the side, clearing my throat.

“How do you want me to take care of her?” I ask.

Prez lifts his hand, wrapping his hand around the back of his neck, then he clears his throat again. He lets out a long sigh.

“I’m going to leave all of that up to you, brother. If you think that she can live her life, and won’t be a problem, then let her go home. If not… do what you need to do.”

He turns and walks away from me, going back to his woman. Country is leaning against the wall, and I make my way toward him. I have a favor to ask of him. He agrees to the favor and tells me to just lock the gate back up when I leave, tossing me the keys.

Walking quickly back to the hallway, I jerk my chin toward Frogger and Byron, who are still standing guard. Turning to Byron, I clear my throat with a jerk of my chin. He’s not a full-fledged member yet, he doesn’t need to be witness to what I’m about to do, but at the same time, I want him watching my woman.

Byron agrees with a nod of his head and slips away toward my bedroom. Turning to Frogger, I tell him to be ready to help me in a few minutes. He dips his chin and I clear my throat as I slip into the room.

She’s in the bed, her eyes closed as she lies back. Making my way up to her, I stand at the side of the bed and look down. Slowly, as if she senses my presence, her eyes open. She sucks in a breath at the sight of me.

“Riff,” she breathes.


She shrugs a shoulder, her eyes shifting to the side before she brings her attention back to meet mine. “I just wanted you. I could have made you happy.”

“You can’t and you couldn’t. What you did was not okay. It was unacceptable.”

“And I almost died because of it,” she spits.

“Youwilldie because of it,” I say.

She struggles to sit up. I don’t help her, I don’t even give a fuck that she’s struggling. She can eat shit. The memory of how I found my woman with Sinks in that abandoned house, it all comes flooding back.

I shouldn’t kill her here. I should take her to Country’s property instead, but I can’t control myself.

“I’m going to finish what Sinks started. You don’t get to do what you did and live,” I announce.

Her lips curve up into a smile. “I would do it again for just the chance to have you for myself.”
