Page 73 of Shake Up My Life

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“Why?” I ask. “I’m an asshole, babe.”

She laughs, but it doesn’t sound humorous, it’s maniacal, and it’s fucking disturbing as shit. “I know you are, that’s what I liked best about you. It’s what I liked about Sinks too. I love it, please use me, Riff. I’ll do whatever you want, have all your babies.”

My eyes widen at the mention of babies because Doc made it very clear that she cannot have babies. I decide that I’ve had enough. I need to get this shit done and over with.

Climbing onto the bed, I wrap my hands around the front of her already bruised throat. I end her. It doesn’t take long. She doesn’t even fight me. When she’s gone, I pick her up, throwing her over my shoulder and turn to leave the room.

Tanner is standing in the doorway, her eyes on me. She doesn’t look terrified, in fact, she looks almost relieved.

“I’ll see you when you get back home,” she breathes.

Then she turns and walks away. Before she gets too far, I take a step toward the door and call out her name. Tanner stops, spinning around to look at me. She doesn’t look angry or even upset. Instead, she just appears to be waiting for me to speak.

“I’ll be waiting for you, Wesley,” she says with a small smile.

I give her a grin, then take a step toward her, but don’t go too far. “Yeah, buttercup. You fuckin’ will.”

She winks, then turns and walks away from me, down the hall and then turns to our bedroom. Byron is standing outside, his eyes wide as he watches me, probably afraid that I’m going to be pissed he let her out. I’m not. I got some serious shit to do now.

“Ready?” I ask, looking over to Frogger.

He shakes his head as if he’s disappointed in the whole situation and I have to admit that I feel the same damn way. Completely fucking disappointed in this situation. Frogger and I load her into the back of the pickup then take off for Country’s property.

Turning to Frogger, I start to say something. I don’t know what I’m going to even say, but he speaks first, thankfully so I don’t have to worry about anything.

“Shit sucks,” he says. “Women. I wish to fuck it hadn’t come down to this.”

“Me either,” I say.

A lot of this shit I did not plan on happening. Not at all. Frogger nods his head. I watch him for a moment, then he starts to talk again, almost as if it’s a nervous thing he does, and I let out a chuckle.

“Sorry,” he says. “I talk when I’m nervous.”

“It’s all good. Talk away.”

I close my eyes to the sound of Frogger chatting, but my vision is filled with nothing except Tanner. Her smile, her hair, her eyes, and her sweet fucking body. Goddamn, I am head over heels into her.

So fucking into her that I killed for her, and I’m going to make sure Sinks gets the ending that he deserves as well. When we arrive at the property, I look over to Frogger. He is twisting his hands in his lap as he shifts his attention over to meet mine.

“What now?” he asks.

“I’ll take care of it, brother. You just stay right the fuck here.”

“This is the right thing to do, right?”

Shaking my head back and forth, I direct my attention behind me to Brianne’s lifeless body.

“It’s not, but then again, neither was what she did. Two wrongs don’t make a right, but I can’t leave Tanner and my baby vulnerable to this woman again and whatever she had planned. I can’t allow them to get hurt.”
