Page 42 of Summer Salvation

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“I want to thank you.” Theo’s voice is low as he grabs my hand, turns it, and traces a finger up my forearm.

His declaration of gratitude is surprising. “For what?”

“For everything you did this week. It was nice to come home to someone, to have home-cooked meals, to . . . feel something for someone. I didn’t think I’d ever want to get involved with someone again until you came along and surprised me.”

My cheeks heat and from past experiences, I know they’re probably beet red. I didn’t think I did anything extraordinary, but apparently, Theo feels different. This week was the first time I’ve ever shared my space with a man. Every guy I’ve dated always had their own place, and never stayed for longer than a night at mine. I didn’t know what it felt like to wake up in someone else’s arms or to have someone come home and greet me with toe-curling kisses. And now that I’ve experienced a little taste, I want more. I don’t want to go back to business-as-usual once Colton and Piper come home. I’m not looking forward to sneaking around like a teenager.

“We should talk about what we’re going to tell the kids, if we’re going to tell the kids anything,” I suggest.

I wonder how the kids would react to me being involved with their dad. Would they even care? Piper occasionally has nightmares related to her mom leaving; what if she thinks I’m trying to take Serena’s place?

Theo groans. “Don’t break our bubble yet,” he pleads. “Just a few more hours of you and me, please?”

I wrap my arm around his, link our hands together, and lean against his shoulder. “It’s been nice, hasn’t it?”

“So nice,” he purrs. “I promise to discuss this with you in the morning, okay? Before my parents arrive with the kids. I’ll make you chocolate chip pancakes.”

“Is that a bribe?” I gaze up at him through my fluttering lashes and watch his eyes transform into twin pools of desire as he emits a low growl from the back of his throat.

“I’ll give you whatever you want if you let me tear your dress to shreds.” His voice is rough and needy. “If you let me do whatever I want.”

“Whatever you want? What about what I want?” I sit up and slide across the seat, putting a little bit of distance between us.

He shifts, turning his body toward me. “What do you want?”

No one has ever asked me that before, but I feel confident and prepared to answer. I’ve spent years figuring out what I don’t want thanks to dozens of selfish dates who were only looking out for themselves. They helped me fantasize at night.

But Theo isn’t greedy or selfish, and when he does take, he makes sure to reciprocate in kind. I deliberately crawl across the leather seat until my knees touch his. I reach one hand up and tug at his bow tie, knowing it’s not some cheap clip-on, until it releases. “Tie me up. Tease me. Use me. Mark me. I want to be consumed, Theo.”

“Even if that means ripping off your fucking dress?”

“If I had scissors, I’d give them to you right now.”

A snarl rips from his lips as he snatches the tie from my hands. “Back up against the door and lift your hands.”

I follow his commands, backing myself against the other door and raising my arms above my head. He weaves the black silk fabric around my wrists, binding them to what I like to call the “oh shit!” handle. The name couldn’t be more fitting since Theo’s determined expression gives me pause.Oh shit, what have I gotten myself into?

Once he’s satisfied with my bindings, he leans forward and presses a button on the door’s panel. The partition screen separating the back of the limousine and the driver slides up, the electronic whir breaking the silence.

“He might not be able to see us, but he can definitely hear,” Theo tells me with a wicked grin. “Don’t scream.”

As if that were even possible.

His gaze drops and his nostrils flare as he takes me in, swiping his tongue along his bottom lip. He lifts his hand, pressing a finger to the dip in the sweetheart neckline of my dress. When it doesn’t budge, he uses his entire hand to tug down the bodice, exposing my bare breasts. He cups one, plumping it with his hand before leaning forward to draw a nipple into his mouth. He moans, sending vibrations and chills through my body.

“You taste so sweet,” he mutters before turning his attention to the other breast. His tongue swipes around the nipple, lavishing it with his hot kiss.

My breath comes out in shallow bursts as I get lost in his attention. The magic of his touch, of his mouth against my breasts, ignites a fire in my belly. My core pulses with need as he continues his erotic assault, kneading each mound, tugging and teasing my nipples with his teeth until I press my thighs together to calm the aching desire growing inside me.

I want him to shred this dress with his bare hands because if he doesn’t, I will.

“Theo,” I pant.

He seems to understand what I need without me saying more than his name. His hands land hot and heavy on my thighs, gripping the fabric of my dress and pushing it up. When it gets stuck over my hips, he grunts and mutters “Fuck it,” before quickly unbuckling and unbuttoning his pants. It’s only a matter of seconds before he pulls his cock out, stroking it with long pulls.

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