Page 78 of Summer Salvation

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“Jolene, you’ve got me trussed up like a turkey,” I exclaim as I glance at myself in the full-length mirror in my bedroom. “My boobs look huge!”

Jolene giggles. “They are, sweetheart!” She places a hand on my shoulder and leans forward to whisper in my ear. “If Theo is anything like Tanner, I bet he loves them.”

He does. Since I was cleared by the doctor, Theo hasn’t kept his hands to himself. But I’ve kept him waiting until tonight. I claimed tradition but honestly, I’m scared of having sex again. I mean, a whole human came out of my body, and while I’m flattered Theo still touches me every chance he gets, I haven’t felt right in my own skin since Buddy was born.

But this dress is doing something to me. It doesn’t matter that my boobs are pretty much shoved up to my neck; what matters is for the first time in months, I feel good. And I look good too!

I inspect myself one final time as Jolene hands me my bouquet. It’s been a little more than a year since Colton covered me in rocky road ice cream. One summer changed my entire life and this summer, not only am I a mother, but in a matter of hours, I’ll be Theo’s wife.

Time flies is the understatement of a lifetime.

I turn and watch Buddy sleeping peacefully in his bassinet. “Don’t grow up too fast,” I whisper. He’s already changed so much in three months. His hair is a soft brown, like mine, but his eyes are vibrant blue like his father.

“We have to go,” Jolene tells me with a smile. “Are you ready?”

“Of course,” I assure her.

As I walk down the stairs, I can hear Piper and Colton arguing over whose turn it is to walk the dog and it makes me smile. Getting a dog was a big decision considering we also had a newborn, but I managed to convince Theo to adopt from a shelter versus buying a puppy. Piper named our new dog Mr. Snuggles and while there was an adjustment period and a few accidents, he’s been a perfect addition to our family.

When I step out onto the porch with the ocean in the distance, there are flowers everywhere. The fresh floral smell combined with the salty sea air is heavenly, making our home in Seaside the perfect place to get married.

Theo is standing at the top of the steps wearing a crisp tan linen suit with a blue button-down shirt. The collar is open at the neck, revealing a hint of his sun-kissed skin. The sprig of yellow Oregon grapes with a single white rose pinned to the lapel of his jacket match the ones in my bouquet. He’s too busy rounding up the kids to even notice me but when he finally does, when his bright blue eyes land on me, I almost stumble.

“Hadley,” he breathes out as he takes a step forward, extending his hand toward me. “I’m— You’re—”

I giggle at his inability to form a coherent sentence. “Thank you,” I tell him, knowing what he means to say because it’s written all over his face.

When I’m with him, I know I’m beautiful. I don’t doubt it. His love is my favorite thing to wear and today, I’m wrapped up in it.

Theo’s parents manage to get the kids settled and Jolene takes a seat next to Tanner, who’s cuddling their daughter, Daisy.

And then the ceremony begins.

It’s short and sweet, but still sentimental.

“Theo,” I say, beginning my vows. “I promise to love you always, to weather every storm by your side, holding tight to your hand. In me, you have a lover, a best friend, a partner, and an ally. I am yours forever.”

When it’s his turn, I finally notice the tears slipping from the corner of his eyes. The only time I’ve seen Theo cry was when Buddy was born, and it was as unexpected then as it is now.

He starts his vows several times, the words getting stuck every time he opens his mouth before finally clearing his throat and swiping a stray tear from his cheek. “Hadley,” he says, his voice shaky. “Your love was unexpected but it’s what saved me. I promise to be worthy of you every day for the rest of my life. In me, you have a lover, a best friend, a partner, and an ally. I am yours forever.”

Goosebumps break out along my skin as he slides a diamond-studded gold band down my finger. His hand is steady, his smile is confident, and when the ring is snugly in place, he brings my hand to his lips and kisses it as if to seal every spoken promise.

My hand trembles as I push his ring onto his finger, but once it’s on, I look up at him and grin. “You’re mine,” I mouth.

“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” he whispers, punctuating his words with a wink.

When the ceremony ends and the officiant pronounces us husband and wife, Theo’s hands wrap around my waist and pull me toward him. He wraps me up tight, holding me against his body as his mouth slants across mine in a teasing kiss full of promise. Silently, he’s commanding me to open for him, until I give in to him and melt against his embrace.

Someone clears their throat and we both pull back. I turn toward our guests with a shy smile, but Theo is grinning like a fool.

He leans toward me and rasps into my ear, “Tonight, no holding back, baby.”

“Do your worst,” I challenge him before grabbing his hand to lead him to the family waiting to congratulate us.

Except there’s resistance, so when I turn back toward my husband, I know I’m in trouble. His blue eyes are dark and alluring, like two glittering sapphires, and the smirk on his face tells me he’s up to no good.

“Before the celebration begins,” he tells everyone, “I need a moment alone with my wife.”

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