Page 21 of All That Lies Ahead

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She rights herself, standing with her hands on the back of her chair and eyeing me quizzically. “Are you guys flirting?” she asks, shifting her gaze back and forth between the two of us before lowering to her seat.

“Damn right she’s flirting with me!” Chase bellows. He brings over the large pot of soup and begins ladling our bowls full. “Better get used to it.”

When he’s finished, his eyes roam between us all—first to Willow, then Emily, and finally, to me. They linger a few extra moments, and even though he doesn’t say a word, his gaze tells me everything I need to know.

* * *

“A blindfold, huh?” I ask. “That’s kinda kinky.”

His response is a throaty laugh. It sends a wave of warm breath along my neck and a stroke of chills down my spine. When he finishes securing the blindfold, he grabs my ponytail and pulls it to the side before placing his lips against my skin. He sighs once before I feel my ponytail smack back against my neck and his heat pull away from me.

“Let’s go before we don’t make it out of here at all,” he says.

“Is that an option?” I ask, but I allow him to pull me along gently.

“No way,” he says. “First, you need this.”

I hear him open the front door and then rustle around in the foyer. He places a large fabric over my head, careful that it doesn’t move the blindfold. As if I’m made of glass, he delicately puts my arms through the arm holes before I feel him start to roll up the sleeves. It feels familiar.

“Wait a second, is this my hoodie?” I ask, referring to the sweatshirt I commandeered the first night we spent together. He laughs while finishing up the second arm.

“Yeah, baby, it’s your hoodie,” he says. “Gotta set the mood, right? I’m going to pick you up now. You ready?”

“Wait, what?”

“I’m not taking the chance of you falling down these stairs,” he says.

“It’s just a few steps. I’ll be fine!” But I feel one strong arm around my back while the other wraps under my knees. “Chase, no! Oh my god!”

He lifts me up to his chest without another word and carries me through the doorway and down the steps without even a little extra huff in his breath. After a few more steps, he says, “Putting you down now.”

My feet barely hit the ground before he’s untying the blindfold and sticking it into the back pocket of his jeans.

“In case we need it later,” he says with a grin.

I tuck my bottom lip between my teeth and consider it. Naked, underneath Chase, unable to see where his lips and fingers are searching.

Yeah, I could get on board with that.

He leans forward and gives me a light kiss, then grabs my shoulders and spins me around to face the backyard.

A projector is set up near the barn, a large image of a woman’s face displayed on the side. Chase’s truck is parked a few yards away, and the truck bed is filled with a blowup mattress, pillows, and blankets.

“Chase, this is incredible.” I swear his shoulders get even wider. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen him look prouder of himself than he does right now.

“I’m glad you like it,” he says, grabbing my hand and leading me over to the truck.

A big white bucket is on the ground by the open tailgate. He helps me step up onto it and into the truck, then walks over to the projector and pushes a few buttons on his laptop before following behind me. I watch the barn light up as he cozies up beside me.

“What are we watching?” I ask him.

“When Harry Met Sally. Have you seen it?”

I shake my head no.

“It’s Emily’s favorite movie. It was either this or Finding Nemo, so I hope I chose wisely.”

“I’m sure it’ll be great,” I say. “When you said we were watching a movie, I had no clue it would be this extravagant. I thought we’d be hanging out on the couch.”
