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That was not supposed to happen.

Miri Wilds makes me lose my damn mind. I’ve never been so worked up just by being in a woman’s proximity before that I had to jerk off the second she’s out of my sight.

Fuck. I barely made it into the bathroom before my pants were halfway down my ass and my cock was in my hand. I’d be ashamed, but then I caught the little witch watching me. She probably didn’t mean to sneak into my room and catch me with my hand wrapped around my dick, but she didn’t run away when she figured out what I was doing. Not until I slammed the door shut on her view at least.

Having her eyes locked on mine in the mirror had been almost as good as a physical touch. That’s how much I want Miri. Even if I know we should stay away from each other. The draw to her is something I’m having a hard time denying, especially the more time we spend together. The more time I spend with Miri the more I’m convinced our magic is connected. I fear that we are walking down the same path our parents traveled and look how great that turned out for them.

Sleep is a fucking fantasy that’s not happening tonight. Not with Miri just a few doors down. I slide in and out of dreams, but I’m unsettled and still worked up from what happened earlier. The look on Miri’s face, the desire burning in her eyes as they’d locked on mine, had me coming so fast I should be embarrassed. There’s no way I could have lasted with the heat of her gaze on me like that.

I kick off the blankets, hot even though it’s cold in the room. I lay on my back, my hand resting on the bare skin of my stomach, considering going another round when there’s a whisper in the air, a press of wind prompting me to get up. I let it guide me, giving in when all my instincts warm me to stay the fuck in this bed.

I’m at Miri’s bedroom before I can second guess my actions. Turning the knob, I open her door on a silent swing. There’s barely any light filtering in from the window, but my eyes are adjusted to the dark and I can just make out Miri’s form on the bed. I really should get out of here, go back to my room. Hell, I should go back to my house, but all rational thought has fled. I’m not in control of my actions as I climb into bed next to her.

Miri curls into my heat as if she’s been missing the warmth all night. The hand not tucked under her cheek slides under my shirt and rests over my heart. My breath catches in my chest, it’s exactly where I placed it during the spell earlier. A soft sigh trickles past her lips, her breath fanning across my neck.

I brush a finger over the high crest of her cheek, tracing up the bridge of her nose and across her brows. She’s so beautiful. I knew all those years ago that she’d be stunning when she grew up, but I never could have imagined. When I couldn’t stop thinking about her, years after I met her, I should have known there was something more there. People don’t obsess over someone they’ve spent one day with, but she never left my mind.

Her eyes flutter open and her lips part in surprise. I can tell she’s about to ask me what I’m doing in here, but I don’t want her words to bring reality into this bubble. I press a finger against her mouth to keep her quiet. Wide eyes search my face, glimmering with fire. There’s lust burning brightly in their depths. She might not know what I’m doing in her room, but she’s not going to kick me out.

“Did you like the show earlier?” My voice is lower, raspier than normal, and she shivers against me. I’d say she likes the sound.

“Was the show for me?” Miri’s voice is thick with the dregs of sleep and colored with desire.

“I wasn’t aware I had an audience. Don’t you think it’s rude to watch someone like that?” My finger trails down her cheek, over the line of her jaw, and down her neck. “Or did it turn you on?”

“I didn’t mean… I wasn’t trying…”

“Excuses. I don’t want excuses, Miri.” My hand curves around her neck, fingers tangling in her hair.

“What do you want?” She’s practically panting, her need as fucking evident as my own. I kept my shirt and boxer briefs on, but that’s doing jack shit to hide how damn hard I am.

“Since you watched me, I think it’s only fair that I get to watch you.”

She swallows, the sound loud in the quiet room. Her tongue darts out to wet her full bottom lip, and I imagine it licking a trail down my stomach and over my dick.

“Watch me?”

A smug smile is drawn from me. I don’t know how she does it, but Miri has this way about her that unravels, unbalances, and tips my world upside down. She makes me want to do things like smile and laugh. No one has ever made me feel like that. I should leave her the hell alone, but I want to wrap my arms around her and never let her leave my sight.

The top of a t-shirt is visible above the covers that are tucked up past her chest. What else does she have on? I don’t wait to find out, tugging the covers down until her body is fully exposed. I rub my hand over my jaw as I take in the t-shirt and the tiny black shorts with a hungry stare. Miri’s thighs shift restlessly. She presses them together as she rolls to her back, her eyes never leaving mine.

The thin layer of my shorts is doing nothing to hide the rigid length aching for release. That’s not what this is about right now, but I rub my palm over my dick, like that will relieve the ache. Fire burns in her eyes as she devours me with her gaze, and I nearly groan.

“Touch yourself. Let me see. Let me watch like you watched me.”

Miri sucks in her lower lip, biting down on the plump flesh. My fingers curl around her throat, and I use my thumb to pull her bottom lip from her teeth. She surprises me by darting out her tongue to touch my finger before capturing it between her teeth. With a gentle tug, I pull it free, tracing a damp path over her chin and down her neck. Her lids are heavy, half closed, but she hasn’t moved her hands.

“Do what you’re told.”

“Are you always this fucking bossy?” The whispered words hold amusement and when I brush my hand over her chest, feeling the tight peak of her nipple through her shirt, she gasps. She can try to distract or delay all she wants. I’m getting my payback.

“Yes.” The word is twisted with need, raspy and deep.

With slow movements so Miri’s aware of my intentions, I push up her shirt, exposing the olive skin of her stomach first, then the perfect mounds of her breasts. I let out a low groan because she is my every fantasy, with gentle curves and the toned muscles of someone who works out but still has flesh to hold on to. I push up her shirt until it’s rucked up beneath her chin and skim my hand back down the smooth skin of her belly, but that’s all.

It’s her turn now.
