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That was the most uncomfortable and painful superhero team meeting I could have imagined. I’m not really sure how else to think about it. Sure, I’ve been able to do little bits and pieces of magic for as long as I can remember but what the others are all talking about is forming some universe-balancing mega team of witches to do… something. No one really knows. The only thing I fully understand is that they are all freaked the fuck out. They don’t want this and there’s the very real concern that by forming an Axis we’ll all suddenly become the worst versions of ourselves.

My freewill absolutely refuses to believe that will happen. I’m not some brainless automaton waiting for someone to fill me up with beliefs and reset my understanding of right and wrong.

There’s been no resolution of anything from our conversation and to be honest, I’m not sure anyone knows what to do next. Do we have to form an Axis? Is it already a foregone conclusion? Or can we decide as a group that we don’t want that and then, problem solved?

“I know this is a lot, and we don’t have any more answers than we ever had before, but we’ve always been honest with each other. Always been there whenever one of us needed something.” Davis’s intense gaze travels over his friends, and a shiver of surprise catches me when it lands on me. “This isn’t any different. We’ll figure things out.”

Everyone slowly makes their excuses from the table and leaves until it’s only me, Lena, Archer and Davis remaining in the library. Lena looks like she wants to say something to me, but Archer cups his hand around her elbow and snags her away. Davis and I stand by the front door in silence, staring at each other for way longer than should be comfortable.

I almost do a victory fist pump in the air when he breaks first.

“You alright?” His hands are shoved into his worn-out jeans. He’s wearing a dark blue fisherman’s sweater and a pair of dark brown leather boots. It’s sickening how freaking good he looks. I’m sure he took all of three minutes to dig some clothes out of his closet and throw them on.

“Oh, are you speaking to me? I thought for sure you’d disappear into some bushes the next time I saw you.” I cross my arms and half sit on the low checkout counter behind me.

Davis has the good sense to at least look slightly guilty. He licks his lips, straightening his beanie before looking me in the eye.

“We’re inside,” he says, and I glare at him.

“Sorry. I... I’m not great at… people.”

I narrow my eyes at him because that’s bullshit. You can be shit at interacting with other people but that doesn’t mean you have to be a total dick after you’ve, well, shown someone your dick.

“And you think that justifies slamming doors in my face and sneaking out in the middle of the night like I’m a dirty little secret?”

Davis pushes off the wall, any signs of penitence gone as he prowls across the small area until he’s right up in my space, looking down at me. My knees open like he’s commanded them to, and he steps between my thighs, glaring down at me. I tip my head back, unwilling to let him intimidate me. Soak my panties, yeah, he’s doing that whether I want it to happen or not. Just his proximity has my heart fluttering and skipping beats. His scent wraps around me and my eyelids feel heavy, like he’s my personal brand of sedative.

Davis leans down until his lips brush against my ear. “I slammed that door for a reason. Do you think it was okay to watch me jerking off?”

Oh shit, this was the same conversation we had the night before and look at the direction that had gone. My head and my libido have very different feelings about what they want to happen next.

“Maybe next time you’re jacking off don’t do it in my bathroom.” Do it on my chest. Wait, no. What?

“Where do you want me to do it? Hmm?” Davis drags his nose from beneath my ear down to my jaw.

It’s getting hard to control my breathing. A mixture of lust and anger pressing down on my chest. What is he doing? He’s so fucking confusing. So hot and cold. I’ve got whiplash from his mood swings with me. Leave, stay, go away, let me shove my face between your thighs. It’s too much.

Suddenly getting almost irrationally angry, I shove him back. I look up in time to see shock replace the heat burning in his eyes. With a quick hop, I’m off the counter and pressing into his space this time. I poke him in the chest, making his eyes widen as he takes a step back. Not because I’m forcing him to, more out of surprise, I think.

“I don’t know what game you’re playing, Davis Radford, but I’m not some toy for you to throw around. If I thought you had any idea what you wanted, then I might be even more mad, but to be honest I just feel bad for you. If you could get out of your own way for one fucking second, then you might find something good. Let me know if you figure your shit out.”

I push past him, leaving him in my wake as I punch the door open. Behind me I hear Archer whistle quickly followed by a loud grunt making me think Davis just hit him. It brings a little smile to my lips, but that’s quickly swallowed by anxiety and this swirling feeling in the pit of my stomach. Shit, I can’t believe I just said all of that.

Since that first night when I saw Davis at Paul’s Tavern, he’s been telling me I needed to leave and questioning my sanity for moving here. Only to turn around the next second to touch me, breathe me in, kiss me. I’m not the problem. He is. And while I do feel a little bad about calling him out, he needs to hear it. This shit is not on me.

I stomp away from the library with determined strides. I’m not going to give Davis one more thought for the rest of the day. My breath puffs out in front of me in a white cloud and I zip my jacket up so hard I nearly pull off my zipper. Great, now Davis almost made me break my fucking jacket. It would totally be his fault. Asshole.

The crunch of steps behind me lets me know someone is fast approaching. Clenching my jaw, I up my pace until I’m speed walking like it’s my Olympic sport and I’m in contention for a medal.

“Miri, wait.” I ignore Davis as he curses and jogs to my side. Why is he even bothering to chase me? I’m so confused by him. All this hot and cold.

“Go away, Davis.” I don’t bother looking at him as I turn down Aspen Street, determined not to look at him.

“Just, wait a second.” Davis grabs for my hand, and I spin to face him so quickly that I lose my balance and stumble back. Davis sweeps in for the rescue, his hands wrapping around my shoulders to balance me, but not before my back slams into something behind me, or rather someone. Davis’s face immediately closes down as his eyes shift from me to whoever’s behind me. I open my mouth to ask what’s wrong, but Davis yanks me toward him, pulling me to his side.

“Well, what do we have here?” A hoarse voice that sounds shredded and raw sends a chill down my spine. I lift my head and lock eyes with a monster.
