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I lose sight of our friends in the splashing mass of bodies. Ezra, Lena and I are all watching, and laughter breaks out when shrieks echo up the beach to us. People are barely touching a toe in the water before they’re turning tail and running back to the cover of their coats and blankets. The majority of the plungers are out of the water within seconds, getting bundled up in towels but looking like they’re having a good time despite how miserable the cold water looks.

“God, they’re such idiots.” Lena rolls her eyes and I follow her gaze to find Rhys, Archer, Ruby, and Davis still in the water.

“Are they trying to see who can get pneumonia first?” I squint at them, seeing hand gestures and splashing that looks a lot like the physical representation of trash talk.

Sure enough, Archer flips Rhys and Davis off, grabbing Ruby around the middle and hauling her out of the water with him. She fights for a second before giving up and letting him cart her out of the water.

Archer disappears in the crowd, and I turn back just in time to see Davis thrashing out of the water while Ezra holds his hands over his head in victory. He lets out a whoop and dives into the water just to prove the cold doesn’t affect him. Crazy asshole.

“I’m numb just watching.” I shiver and watch as Davis stalks out of the water looking like James fucking Bond strutting up the beach. With each step, his muscles flex and contract and my mouth goes dry. He’s a predator, a dark and dangerous creature that I want to get on my knees for, so he can dominate and command me to his will.

I almost fan myself, but it’s still too damn cold out for that.

Lena, Ezra and I get to work filling the table with beer for the plungers who are making their way up the beach looking for their free drink. Our booth is quickly so busy that none of us have time to do more than call out our location to one another, so we don’t crash and spill drinks over each other.

It’s more fun than I thought it would be. Half the people who come to the booth say hello to me like they know me, even though I have no idea who they are. It reminds me of being the new student in a school. Everyone knows your name, even if you don’t know any of them. After the initial rush of people get their drinks, things calm down enough that I get a chance to look out over the beach. My mouth turns down in a frown when I don’t see Davis or any of my friends.

Did they leave already? Not that they had to or anything, but I would have thought they’d stop by the booth to say hello. If not to me, then to Ezra and Lena, at least. Plus, Ruby’s clothes are in here. Is she seriously roaming around the beach, soaking wet, in that little bitty bikini? Crazy bitch. They must be drying off or warming up somewhere.

Our booth is still busy, but nothing like the rush right after everyone ran into the ocean. My eyes are still peeled for Davis when I spot Anthony strolling up to the booth. I barely keep from groaning out loud, but I don’t know if I’m as successful masking the irritation from my face.

Lena leans into me, bumping her shoulder with mine. “I don’t think you can actually stab a person with a look, but you’re sure trying.”

I snicker and shake my head, keeping my eyes on the prick who not only keeps trying to weasel his way into my life but who is also, most likely, the reason all my friends’ families fell apart.

Anthony looks out of place on the beach, too finely dressed to be mucking about in the sand. Hell, Archer only ever seems to wear a suit, and he looks like a gangster surfer boy with his sun-kissed hair and totally tattooed body. Anthony, on the other hand, looks like he’s navigating a field of dog turds everyone forgot to pick up. There’s a pinched look on his face and I wonder, not for the first time, why he’s even here.

I cross my fingers that he’s headed for the booth that sells edibles. He could really use some mellowing out. Lucky me. He walks right on past, elbowing his way through the few people waiting for a drink at our booth. I know he’s trying to catch my eye, but I pretend I don’t notice him as long as I can.


I sigh. I guess it’s too late to run out the back, right?

“I’m disappointed by the way we left things last week.”

“She prefers Miri.” Davis appears from freaking nowhere and I nearly toss the beer I’m holding up in the air. Somehow, I manage to give it to the slightly blue looking woman who just finished the plunge. She should probably go stand next to the fire. Davis hops over the table with surprising agility to get inside the tent. He could have come around back, but I’m glad he’s not leaving me with Anthony for even a second. Besides, it was totally hot.

Davis’s holding a bag that probably has his clothes inside, but right now he’s still just in his shorts. Ezra and Lena eye us from a few feet away, but I shake my head. No need to interrupt on my behalf. At least, not yet.

Anthony glowers at Davis. The disgusted look on his face says he hates everything about him.

“I’m trying to have a private conversation with my daughter.”

“Alleged daughter.” I frown at him.

“The beach at an Island social event isn’t exactly private.” Davis steps up behind me, his chest pressing into my back and his hands sliding to my hips. It’s a declaration without words. I like it. A. Lot.

“Which is why I was going to ask my daughter if she wouldn’t mind stepping away for a few moments.”

As nice as it is to have Davis standing up for me, and all together unfamiliar, I’m no maiden in distress.

“If you guys are going to fight about my dowry next, can we just take a time out.” I look at Anthony. “I’m not interested in going anywhere with you right now. I’m working.”

“This isn’t a job.” He scoffs and straightens the cuff on his suit, flicking away a piece of dust. Or probably sand.

“No, but I promised my time and my word means something.”

“You will not be missed.”
