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As if I need more evidence to point out how much of an asshole he is, he doubles down with those words. Sure, people can wait for their free beer, but I volunteered my time. I made a promise and I intend to make good on that commitment. And dammit, these people just jumped in the freezing Atlantic, probably shriveling their reproductive organs for good. All for charity. They deserve a free fucking beer.

“That is not the point.” I’m impressed that I’m able to keep my tone level, because I’m sure flames are shooting out of my ears.

“Listen, she said no. I think it’s time you leave.”

Anthony swivels around to glare at Davis, “You are just as uncivil and base as your low-born father.” When his gaze swings to me, I scowl at him. “I won’t tell you who to spend your time with, but surely there are better men than this piece of garbage.”

“Please leave.” Something snaps. My patience, my tolerance, I don’t know, but I’m done with this fuck face.

Anthony stands stock still for several breaths before he nods and gives me a condescending smile. “Of course. Enjoy the rest of your evening.” As he walks away, the corner of his mouth moves, but I can’t make out the words. I don’t know how I see it, but his fingers twitch as he flicks them in our direction.

I stare after him as he walks away, not liking the smirk on his face. Did he just do something? People on the beach lurch out of his way as he cuts a path directly through groups congregating near the bonfire that’s been lit. He’s such a bastard.

“That was fun.” I turn toward the others. Ezra and Lena have twin looks of cringy understanding on their faces. I look at Davis, not sure if I should thank him or yell at him for getting in the middle of business that has nothing to do with him. I suspect he’d tell me that any business with Anthony affects him, all of them really, considering their history with the man. When I look at Davis, he’s pale. He’s still only wearing his board shorts and hasn’t put on any clothes.

“Davis, you’re going to freeze to death.” I hurry to the bag he dropped on a cooler earlier and unzip it, pulling out a towel and throwing it around his shoulders. I stumble and fall into him, my head butting up against his chest. Davis wraps his hands around my elbows to steady me, and I grip at the taut muscle of his sides.

“Your skin is like ice.” I frown because the words come out much slower than they should, a slurring lisp like I’ve been drinking all this free beer.

Davis is shivering. Wait, that’s not Davis, it’s me. My entire body is shaking and my vision blurs as everything spins, like I’m on a bad ride at the fair.

“Miri?” Davis’s voice echoes toward me, as if from the end of a long tunnel. I try to lift my head to look at him, but I can’t control my body. My nerve endings tingle with a buzz that quickly escalates into a screaming pain. What the hell is happening?

“Miri!” Someone’s screaming my name, but I can’t respond. I can’t do anything but ride out the web of agony that I’m tangled in.
