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By the time I came inside, my hands and feet were a bloody mess. Our housekeeper at the time had patched me up and taken me to bed. The only reason I can think of that I didn’t get sick is because of the Fae blood in my veins. I didn’t know it at the time, but that has to have kept me from falling ill. That’s just one of the shining memories I have of this fucked up place.

Lena stops spinning and her concerned gaze rests on my face. I shake off my recollection of the past and smile at her.

“Are you okay?” She takes a step toward me, but she’s still far enough away that I can’t touch her. That distance suddenly feels like an ocean instead of a foot.

“I don’t have the greatest memories of this place.”

Lena nods and takes another step, her hands landing on my stomach as her forehead dips to rest on my shoulder. I inhale, taking in the soft, sweet scent of her perfume and her natural smell. It makes my mouth water. Christ. I’m not sure how her touch can be both familiar and comforting, but also new and electrifying.

“I can’t even go near my old house. Rhys thinks I need to drive by it to cleanse my soul or something, but the thought of seeing it makes me want to vomit.” Lena shudders beneath my hands and I wrap my arms around her.

“Rhys should mind his own business.” I laugh low in my throat and run my hand down the silk of Lena’s hair. My other hand rests on her hip, and I almost unconsciously run my thumb back and forth over the silken fabric of her dress.

“I told him the only way I'll ever set foot near that place again is to burn it down.”

“Yeah? You want to start a fire tonight?” I’m seriously fucking tempted to sweep her up in my arms. We can get the hell out of this tomb, drive out to the house of despair where she grew up, and torch the place. It wouldn’t exorcise my demons, but I think it could be cathartic.

“Maybe not tonight, but let’s keep that in our back pocket for some night when we’re bored.”

I lower my head and press a kiss to the top of Lena’s head. She’s been so much more herself tonight. After everything that’s happened between us, I was starting to fear I’d royally fucked up our friendship. She’s been holding parts of herself back, not coming at me with the usual quick retorts that live on the tip of her tongue. Frowning more than smiling around me. Staying quiet when she’s never that way with me. Others, yes, but never with me. It’s been unsettling thinking we may have lost that, and I’m ecstatic to know we’re getting back to that place.

Actually, we’ll be in a better place. We’ll have our friendship and more.

“Should we ditch the party? We don’t have to commit arson, but we can still leave.”

Lena lifts her head, her mesmerizing eyes catching mine in her snare. “I was thinking we could do something else.”

The mischievous glint in her eyes has me smiling and pulling her hips closer to mine. “What did you have in mind?”

“We could piss off your parents and attempt to make one decent memory in this godforsaken place at the same time.”

“I’m listening.” My voice has gone all gravelly and deep as I run my hands over her ass and squeeze. She shivers and grins up at me. I slide a hand over her hip and down her thigh, fingertips slowly gathering up the skirt of her dress and exposing the pale length of her thigh.

Lena’s fingers loosen my tie and work the top button of my shirt open until enough skin is exposed to suit her needs. Her mouth is molten as she presses a damp kiss to the spot on my skin where one of my tattoos peeks out. I know exactly where that kiss is aimed, and it sends a jolt of pure lust through me.

“Someday I want to lay you out in front of me so I can explore every inch of ink on your body.”

“Any fucking time you want, Luna,” I growl, fisting a hand in her hair and angling her head with the intention of finally stealing a kiss from her lush lips. Our eyes are locked on each other, and I swear I can see my destiny in her violet depths. Lena’s hands clutch onto my biceps and her body squirms against me, trying to get closer. I’ve got just the idea of how to accomplish that.

“I have to say, this isn’t the sight I expected to see in such a fine home’s library. Practically barbarian.”

The familiar voice sends ice coursing through my veins, instantly dousing any fire in my blood. I pull Lena closer, dropping her skirt and wrapping my arms around her protectively. My head whips toward the door, a snarl on my lips.

Anthony Hatcher is leaning against the frame, arms crossed, with a smug look on his face. I despise him, but I have to admit he knows how to wear a suit. He’s the same age as my parents, and he’s refined and snobby, just like them. His salt and pepper hair is clipped short and not a strand is out of place. There’s not a crease to be found on his clothing. Dark energy practically seeps from his pores, and I don’t know how our parents didn’t recognize the evil lurking under the handsome facade. Although if he fucked them all up and they’re still friends with him, what does that say about them?

Or they were all horrible people to begin with.

“Do you mind? We aren’t exactly looking for company. Or an audience.” My voice is level and completely cold. My usual charm spiraling down the fucking drain. I swear whenever someone threatening is close to Lena, I lose all my normal ability to think rationally, to stay calm, and smooth talk whatever foe is in my way. That’s how I usually operate, but everything is twisted when it comes to Lena. My primal instincts kick in and I’m ready to tear out someone’s throat if need be.

“Yes, well, if your intention was to be alone, then perhaps don’t come to a party.”

I want to wipe the smile off Anthony’s face, but I take a deep breath and try to stay calm.

“Let’s just go. I’m ready to get out of here anyway,” Lena murmurs quietly, but Anthony must be able to hear her.

“Ah, Ms. Marsten, I saw your father earlier today. He’s mighty aggravated at you. I’d tell you to be careful or he might lash out at you...but I think you already know him well enough for that.”

“Watch your mouth.” Anger seethes, my rage unfurling like a blanket of smoke that nearly swallows me whole.
