Page 26 of Falls County

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I typically wasn’t one to initiate PDA but Luke didn’t give a fuck about anyone so I started to not care myself. I knew it bothered some people but in typical Luke fashion, fuck it.

I could feel the stares from Jenn and Elie behind us. Jenn had always been jealous that I was with Luke. It was kind of fun to kiss him in front of her and watch her squirm. I heard Luke’s name come from one of them but I wasn’t to worried about it. Let them talk.

Luke laid down on my lap his feet hanging off the side of the tube. “Your cheer friends keep fucking staring at me.”

“Oh no, not my friends.” Lifting his hat off his head, I laughed. “Here’s an idea why don’t you tell them to fuck off like you do everyone else?”

“You know I can’t do that.”

“And why not?” I ran my fingers along his stomach.

“Because those bitches will make your life hell.” He had a point. “When Drew didn’t call Elie back after they fucked…”

I stopped him. “Wait what?”

“You didn’t know that?” He questioned. “Well, anyways, when he never called her back she went fucking postal. Like went to his house and told everyone he has a small dick. She’s fucking crazy.”

“Wow. I can not believe they had sex.” Why was I just now finding this out?

“Oh yeah! Drew’s fucked everyone.”

“Wait does Gracey know?” Her and Drew had been off and on the past four years.

“I’m staying out of that one.” Luke turned his head into my stomach. His tongue darted out swiping at my skin.

“Luke.” I tried to sound stern.

He continued to lick his fingers trailed the waistband of my bikini bottoms. He licked his way up to my breasts before he started to pepper kisses up my neck. Sucking on my lips I felt his thumb grazing my nipple.

“Babe you’re gonna start something you can’t finish.” I breathed out in between kisses.

“Good.” He kept sucking on my neck.

“Luke honey everyone’s probably staring.”

He pulled back licking his lips. “Let them watch.” His eyes smoldered as he put his hat on backwards. “You’re mine and I want everyone to know it.”

“I think they can tell from the tent in your pants.”

“Fuck!” He laid back down on his stomach so his dick was in the mesh seat hole.

I couldn’t help but laugh. It seemed to be contagious because Luke started in and we couldn’t stop. My eyes watered under my sunglasses.

“Is something funny up here or what?” Drake leaned over our float. Which made us laugh even more.

“Yeah it’s pretty hard to contain.” Luke cracked up at his own joke making me laugh harder.

“You guys are so weird.” Drake commented even though he couldn’t help but laugh with us.

Jenn walked over to us so we tried to reel it in. She was almost skin and bones. You could see her ribs in her swimsuit. The bottoms went up her ass like a thong. It’s a good thing she didn’t have much for boobs or they would be falling out too.

“Luke?” She pouted. He looked at me both of us trying not to laugh. “Can you show me the best place to go to the bathroom?”

“The water.” Luke commented sarcastically as he motioned to the river.

Drake and I continued to cackle even more so at her face when she realized he wasn’t kidding.

