Page 31 of Falls County

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I grabbed the back of her stick leaning down beside her to aim it. Her hand clamped down on mine. I felt something cold and wet on my bicep. “Wh…” I turned and her face started coming towards mine. Eyes closed, lips puckered. Jumping back, I hauled out the door.

Leaning over I heaved, empting the contents of my stomach. Out of breath I sunk to my knees. Wiping my hands down my face I tried to pull it together. I wanted nothing more than to call my best friend and tell her what happened. But I couldn’t do that. She left me.

“Luke!” The girl called out.

Getting up I stepped out of the shadows. Coming closer I took my ball cap off and itched my head trying to find the words. What could I say?

“Wh…” She started but I held a hand up stopping her.

“Look you seem like a nice girl but you’re not blonde. You don’t have hazel eyes. Your boobs are way too big and I don’t feel like I can grab onto your thighs without them snapping in half.” Anger boiled in her face. “While you may have a four letter name too, it doesn’t start with a K and it doesn’t end with an I. So sorry but I’m not interested.”

“Fuck you!” She spat back at me.

“No thanks.” With that I turned around and headed for my pickup.
