Page 67 of Falls County

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I waited until we got home to say anything. I was not pleased. Not in the slightest. She fucking lied to me about Kyle. Why did I think I could ever trust her? Getting through that fucking wedding tomorrow would be hell.

Pulling up to her house we headed inside. I tried to calm myself but I couldn’t. She looked fucking drop dead gorgeous in her dress and it was fucking with my head. All I wanted to do was throw her on the bed and fuck her until my insecurities went away.

I didn’t want to ruin our night or our day tomorrow so that’s exactly what I did. I fucked her until she could no longer form a sentence. Then I held her in my arms letting myself drift to sleep.

I couldn’t stand to watch her with Kyle. Right there on his arm smiling as they walked down the isle. Sure she looked at me most of the ceremony but when it was over she was hand in hand with him smiling again.

I tired to engage on the party bus but it was hard. Every stop I got more pissed off. They would take pictures upon pictures and there my Kaci was in another mans arms. It would have been different if he was a complete stranger. It would have been different if she didn’t lie to me about knowing she had to walk with him. Or hell, maybe not look so damn happy to have his hands on her.

I wouldn’t be so pissed off if I didn’t know about the texts and Snapchat’s he was always sending her. But fuck if I didn’t know. And fuck if I didn’t know he was into her. He was with her all the time when we were broken up. Hell he was probably comforting her, trying to make her forget all about me.

Her arms wrapped around my neck as I stood at the bar ordering another drink. “Hey you!”

Fuck if she didn’t look utterly gorgeous in that teal dress. It was velvet and bunched at her waist before flowing down her long legs. All I wanted to do was run my hands up and down the fabric. I wanted to take her hair down so the curls would fall between her breasts. They were on full display tonight with how low cut that damn dress was.

Gripping her hand, I pulled her out into the lobby. “Did you fuck him?”

“What? Who?”

“Kyle. Did you sleep with him?” Her face looked like I had slapped her.

“God no! Why would you think that? I told you I haven’t been with anyone else.”

“Yeah then why didn’t you tell me you were going to be hanging out with that fucking guy?” I knew damn good and well that she kept it from me on purpose.

She kept that she would have to sit by him. She kept that they would also have to join in on the first dance with the bride and groom. She kept it all from me.

“I… we’re not hanging out I just had to walk down the isle with him.” She looked around to hotel lobby we were currently standing in.

“Kaci you lied to me.” I was pissed. Beyond pissed.

“I didn’t lie I just omitted the whole truth.” She pushed closer into me gripping my button down. “I didn’t want you to be mad at me.”

“That’s still a lie.” I removed her fingers from my shirt. “And I’m more fucking pissed that you lied.”

Pulling my cap off my head I ran a hand through my hair. “I mean how can I fucking trust you? You keep this shit from me when were working though shit. It doesn’t work like that Kaci. We’re supposed to be a fucking team. We’re supposed to communicate.”

“I know. I’m sorry.”

She knew.

She was sorry.

“That doesn’t fucking change anything.” I needed some air. “That doesn’t make it okay.”

“Luke.” She called as I started to walk away.

“I need some air Kaci. Or I’m going to say something that I’ll regret.” I scrubbed a hand over my face before I continued to walk towards the door. “I’ll see you in the room.”

I headed outside to clear my head. I walked away from the music that blared through the hotel. I walked away from the fight that I started. I walked away from the love of my life. I left her standing there with tear stained cheeks. And I hated myself for it.

I left her with that same look she had on her face the day she came home from the hospital. A look of pure shock and understanding.

Five Years Ago

I had finished attaching ramps to all the steps into my house, my parents house, and I was currently working on Kaci’s parents front step. I had no idea how long she would be in that wheelchair. It was all my fault. I couldn’t bare to see her. The pain was too raw. She would see through me and be the one to try and heal me when she needed healing.
