Page 41 of Master Baldor

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“Of what? I hope it’s not me.”

“No, Daddy, I’m afraid that once everything is dealt with, you will leave me and that this will be over.”

Fear was a powerful motivator, and the twins must have set off abandonment issues.

“I’m not going anywhere, GG, but as we’re being honest, I don’t feel like I am the right one for you. Despite how much I enjoy you and my growing interest in all things to do with the 80s, I’m still not sure I can Daddy you the way you need.”

She offered a watery smile. “You look really good in pink, Daddy.”

Little did she know I’d recently purchased a vintage Miami Vice suit to go with that pink shirt. I was born in the eighties and did have vague memories of the colorful times.

“I have been reluctant to keep you in line since you called your safeword. If we move forward, Shelby, we need to have boundaries. I can’t keep tiptoeing around you in my home, it is unacceptable. So how can we make this work?”

The room was quiet, both of us lost in the proverbial question, why is this so hard?

“You can Daddy me to your heart’s content, just not while I’m working, but I will continue to follow the schedule you laid out. It’s good and I’m learning to regulate eating for the first time in my life. I’m sorry you felt like you couldn’t Daddy me properly. I didn’t mean to call out my safeword like that. If I had explained instead of screeching when you turned the game off, then we could have avoided all that. You’re right, Noah, I shy from communication. I don’t like it and I don’t like being held accountable, but I need it, and I need you.”

I knew she did, and I needed her too, and with permission to move forward, I could be who I needed to be.

“I think that is a very good place to begin, little one. Now, it’s late and you need your rest. Go and get ready for bed and I will bring you in some water and tuck you in.”

Shelby pulled back, a look of surprise on her face.

“But, uh, well, I thought that as I took my punishment so well you would ah, well, we would you know.” She rubbed against me suggestively, then winced with the movement. I’d made sure that she would be sore every time she sat down for the next few days. A reminder of what Daddy was capable of.

“Naughty girls don’t get sex. Tomorrow we can scratch that itch. Now off to bed or I’ll have to give you a few more with the cane.”

Shelby gasped, moving fast for a girl with a sore behind. A streak of pink was all I saw of her retreating backside as she moved quickly from the room.
