Page 6 of Master Baldor

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The guy reluctantly released Shelby’s jacket. It was then I noticed the little one standing behind him. I’d seen women like her before. She wasn’t a Little, but a woman who controlled from the bottom, the worst kind of fake. She started whining about everything being her fault, pointing a finger at Shelby. The guy smirked, nodding his head as if to emphasize the truth of his Little’s accusations.

Shelby moved to my side, rubbing her arm, a sign he’d already gripped her elsewhere. My barely contained rage took hold, wanting to rip off his head. I kept up my icy demeanor instead and lectured him on club etiquette. Ticking off the points he specifically violated in my most menacing tone.

“But she isn’t accompanied”—the rude prick interrupted me—“so I can punish her if I want to.” The guy looked proud of himself, like he’d just gotten one over on me.

“You are only partially right. Did you knock, or were you invited in? Or did you just decide to invade the space she had booked for herself?”

His smug expression shifted to one of uncertainty and completely faltered under my steady glare. This guy was no Dom, a beginner Daddy maybe, at best. Like he’d read how to be one online but had never really practiced being what he professed himself to be.

I switched to his guest. I wasn’t fooled by her wide innocent blue eyes that shifted to slits whenever her gaze fell on Shelby who stood as close to me as she could. So close that I could feel her shaking.

“In the DD/lg world, we have respect for one another, which neither of you has demonstrated in a satisfactory fashion as stated in the rules. As such, both of you are now banned for three months. Your re-entry to the club will be dependent on your willingness to be respectful not only of the rules but to your fellow lifestylers. Now leave!”

When the door shut firmly behind their retreating backs, Shelby stepped away from me, moving several steps before turning and spearing me with a glare.

“What the hell was that?” she exploded.

Say what? I had just rescued her and instead of fawning over me, as most women would, she had the nerve to verbally accost me for it instead. Her eyes were glistening, and she was still shaking. I was beginning to wonder if the shaking was a result of her run-in or if she was mad at my running interference on her behalf?

“I am more than happy to answer any questions you have, Shelby, but you need to watch your tone. I am a Dom, and you are a sub, and we are in a playroom at a club where I am part owner with full authority to step in and clarify things. Now, young lady, in a civil tone, explain yourself.”

“First off, that asshole just walked right in here. He didn’t knock or request permission and then started throwing his weight around like he had every right to. I’m going to be pissed if this is something that happens at this club. Because this is supposed to be a safe space for me and all the Littles and Middles who attend this place with, or without, a Daddy!”

She was all but yelling and I was biting my tongue to not give her the verbal lashing I wanted to. After all, she had a point, she should be able to feel safe in her chosen playground and we at Midgard prided ourselves on providing that for everyone.

“Shelby, I understand you are upset. Can I ask, did you know him, or was this a random incident?”

She crossed her arms, immediately taking a defensive stance, which told me all I needed to know. She knew this character but didn’t answer, continuing to glare like everything was my fault. It meant her lashing out was a deflection. Littles could be irrational in how they viewed the world of grow-ups. It was difficult to be a Little in a world that could be so harsh and their very need to be protected was tested again, and again. My heart went out to her because I knew she was hurting, and afraid.

I held up my hands in a gesture of surrender. “I’m here to help and to ensure this doesn’t happen again to any of our other guests in the future.”

She dropped her arms, but her hands remained clenched. She lowered her head, collecting herself. When she lifted her gaze back to mine, her eyes sizzled with emotion. It was then I noticed her eyes were an unusual shade of violet gray.

“I’m not the enemy. I’m just here to ensure everyone’s safety,” I reiterated.

“It shouldn’t matter if I knew that guy or not. I’m not a baby. I don’t need you or anyone else. It’s not my job to assist you with your problems, it is your job to offer me a safe space. Besides, what can a baby Daddy offer me, anyway? I don’t sleep in a crib, I don’t wear diapers, and I don’t let men control me 24/7. I’m a person with actual feelings and genuine needs, and clearly, I’m in the wrong place.”

She stomped toward me and made to exit out the door, but I halted her. I was done with being her proverbial whipping boy and playing the understanding Daddy.

“Sit down, little girl, right now, or you will find yourself in a world of hurt.”

“No. And you can’t make me!” she practically screamed. Whatever else she may be, right now she was an out-of-control brat.

“Shelby, if I have to tell you again, you will go over my knee for a very hard spanking. Do I make myself clear?” I used my Daddy tone that usually had Littles jumping to behave, but not Shelby. She looked me up and down, offering a saucy look.

“As if a pretty boy like you knows how to spank.”

Oh, no, she didn’t!

I don’t know what was more shocking, her words or her defiance, but what was clear was little Shelby was issuing a direct challenge to a seasoned Dom. She was practically begging for something real to happen. Raia had said she was new to the lifestyle, but how new? Had she ever been spanked by a seasoned Dom? A lesson was in order but what I had in mind was probably very different than what she expected. Silly girl had no idea she was playing with fire, and if that douche bag was all she’d had as an example, it was no wonder her current view was less than savory.

Time to bring the little hellion into line.

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