Page 11 of Julian

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“Are you shitting me?!” She almost screamed as she raced to it. “Can I get in?”

“Why not?” I opened the door, and she stepped into the driver seat.

I saw the light in her eyes as she ran her fingers over the dashboard, on the seats, then grabbed the steering wheel and looked up to meet my gaze. I put my hands on the roof and leaned into the open window to get a better view of her happiness. I wanted to imprint this moment into my memory in case I lost her again. The last five years were hell and everything I achieved here was meaningless without her by my side. I refused to give into the dark thoughts that were my companions during my time as a child assassin. I was a new man thanks to Mr. Fletcher.

She stepped out of the vehicle and started rambling like an excited child.

“Ferrari was epic. It won De Apollo,” she told me. “Then, Ford…in 1997 and 2002. Fletcher’s Seven…1995, 96, 98, 99, 2003, 2009. I looked forward to seeing Fletcher’s Seven in action because of all Morla hyped it up to be, but it wasn’t in any car last year.”

“Come on,” I grabbed her by the shoulder and lead her to the workshop where prototypes were being built.

I had told Orson to warn everyone to act natural, like she was just a guest. All the employees loved her, and I was worried that the attention would be too confusing for her just yet. The entire organization was a tight knit family and missed her perhaps about as much as I had.

Luke could not take it, he had to excuse himself to go have a cigarette outside, while Georgia, Cole, and Mike stood with brave faces although I knew they were dying to hug her. Adelaide, who was just returning to work after her honeymoon was not there when word went around. She must have heard from someone else that Gianna was back. She burst into the room and threw her arms around Gianna before I could stop her.

“Gee!” she exclaimed. “Oh, my God!”

Before Adelaide knew what hit her, Gianna had kicked Adelaide’s legs out from under her and slammed her hard onto the concrete. It was a habit. The last five years had trained her that way, and she soon became apologetic when she saw what she had done. She swung around and ran out of the room.

While I left the other members of staff to console and explain to Adelaide, I raced after Gianna. She stopped in front of the elevator, breathing hard, twining and untwining her fingers nervously.

“I killed her. Oh my god I heard the snap,” she whispered looking down at her shoes. “She tried to hug me, and I killed her.”

“No, she’ll be fine. She only fell. You didn’t know.” I tried to put my arms around her, but she shrugged them off.

Seeing her in that state was breaking my heart, and maybe it was too soon to bring her to the workshop. A cold knot began to form in the pit of my stomach. Will my Gia every fully return?

“I just want to get out of here,” she muttered. “I need to go.”

“Okay, okay… Let’s go…”

“Now!” her voice echoed across the space. “I want to go!”

Tears welled in her eyes, and I felt like an asshole for making her go through all of this. It wasn’t time, I should have prepared her. I pressed the elevator button and we descended back down to the ground floor then made our way to my car and drove home in silence.
