Page 14 of Julian

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I woke up to the ray of sun creeping in through the side of the drapes, and the hot temperature pressed against my arm soon registered. At first, I was calmed by her presence, her sweet fragrance wafting across my nose, and soothing my heart. She was still as beautiful as ever, her light brown hair, her beautifully curved nose, and her pouty lips that got smaller when she frowned.

It had been a long time since she was in bed by my side. The last time, we had been talking about baby names, and I had been stubborn about naming our child Fletcher. She had insisted that she wanted to name him Jules after me. Names starting with the letter J gave me nothing but bad memories.

Boys like me had been given names starting with the letter J and were all tortured in the most horrendous ways. She said that it was a beautiful name, and something good came out of me, but I was not able to protect them. They were both taken from me for five years, and she was the only one I was able to get back.

Subconsciously, my hand touched her belly and tears welled in my eyes. Jules, I muttered. My son was gone, and she could not remember any of it. I wished I could turn back the hands of time, so I could do things differently. I wanted to be a better husband, a better father. I wanted to go back to fix what I had broken, but I was not able to. All I could do was live with the guilt that I had also caused this to her as well. I was supposed to be some strong macho guy, but here I was, a blubbering fool around her.

I quietly got out of bed and Mr. Pickles stirred at my feet. As much as I wanted to pull her mostly naked body into my throbbing thickness, I knew finding her a robe would be a better choice.

After pulling one from the closet, I laid it at the foot of the bed and knelt in front of her.

“Gia,” I whispered trying to wake her.

“Gia, here’s a robe for you,” I lightly shook her shoulder.

“Gianna,” I said more firmly and shaking her even harder.

Still no response.

Alarmed, I jumped to my feet, wrapped the robe around her, then scooped her up into my arms.

“Drummer! Orson!” I shouted running downstairs with Mr. Pickles following close behind. “Drummer! Orson!”

As I approached the entryway, Orson appeared.

“Get the car!” I yelled at him.

“Yes sir, yes sir,” he scurried off.

This was happening again. I was losing her for the second time, except this time she was in my arms. My heart hammered in my chest causing my shirt to move with each beat.

I remained silent throughout the drive to the hospital. It was the kind of silence Orson knew it would be unwise to shatter. I hugged her to myself as if my body heat was the only thing keeping her alive.

Drummer had not even fully stopped in front of the sliding emergency entrance before I flung open the car door and hurried out, my long legs eating the distance in quick strides.

I blurted out some nonsense to the nurse at the front desk and she moved into action as if she understood everything. Suddenly there was a gurney to my right along with a doctor and his crew. They were all speaking their medical jargon as they rolled her towards the double doors leading deeper into the hospital.

“Sir. Sir,” a petite blonde woman in scrubs tried to get my attention. “Are you her husband?”

I looked down at the woman then back at the closed doors.

“Sir, we have some paperwork I need you to fill out while the staff is taking care of her. Are you her husband?” she asked me again.

“Yes, I mean no. I don’t know,” I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration.

“Come here and sit,” she led me to a chair in the waiting room. “Even if you are no longer together, any information you can provide will be helpful.” She handed me a clipboard and pen as I sat down.

How was I supposed to fill this stuff out? I had no idea what had happened to her over the past five years. How did I explain her time with The Wonder Project? Yes doctor, she had a chip in her brain. Ha! They would end up committing me to the mental floor.

I needed air.

I paced back and forth outside on the walkway while my anger kept growing. I felt useless. I did not protect her back then and I could not protect her right now. My rage boiled over and angrily punched the hospital’s exterior wall leaving a trace of blood.

Orson and Drummer approached me.
