Page 25 of Julian

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The past was repeating and this time felt worse because I thought I had prepared enough to keep her safe. I was mad at myself, just as much as I was mad at her for going away again.

I soon heard sirens blaring behind me, with someone yelling through a megaphone telling me to pull over. I knew I had just been caught driving like a maniac, endangering not only my life, but lives of innocent pedestrians. Not wanting to slow down, I hesitated, but then, pulled to the side of the road.

The police officer stepped out of his vehicle and sauntered over.

“License and registration please,” he asked. “Because you have a flashy car doesn’t mean you can drive like that.”

“You’re right sir. I need to get going,” I pleaded.

“Is it a matter of life or death?”

“Yes,” I spat. “My wife left…I need to find her.” As the words tumbled out, I realized how lame they sounded.

“Of course she’ll leave if you’re out driving like that. Place your hands out where I can see them and step out of the car.”

“I need to get going!” I yelled back but the man wasn’t budging.

I opened the door hoping to settle this amicably. The longer I stayed, the more danger Gia could be in and the less likely I was to find her.

“License and registration, sir. At this point you’ll be getting a ticket.”

I rummaged through my glove box and wallet to produce the documents. As he was talking to someone over the radio attached to his vest, I got impatient and stepped back into my car.

“Hey! Get back out now!” he ordered, but I had already started the engine. As I stepped on the gas pedal and my tires squealed, there was a pop, and I felt my car tip to one side. He had fired a bullet into my tire.

I stepped out of the car, riled and vengeful. I charged at him, punching him hard in the face. It was then I realized he had a partner. He tased me until I fell to the ground then zipped handcuffs against my wrists. The officers then loaded me into their patrol car with me kicking and screaming.

I yelled and begged for their help throughout the entire short drive. They just kept telling me to relax. As soon as we arrived at the police station, they took my fingerprints and a picture. I knew exactly what they would find. I would probably not be getting out any time soon. My past had left plenty of breadcrumbs. Motherfucker.

At first, I was angry, then I became deeply sad and inconsolable.

Ha! Julian Seven was supposed to be some hardened criminal or maybe some tough grease monkey. Maybe some ruthless real estate investor. All of that did not matter. In this cell, I was scared little Julian from bunker seven.

I buried my face in my hands and wept.


Hours dragged, and my emotions became hardened. My tears were dried, I was exhausted, and enraged. I was ready to go on a rampage to get Gia back and reclaim the life I deserved.

As I was plotting my plan, the heavy metal door opened, and a police officer appeared. I followed her out to gather my things hoping Orson had some good news for me.

In the waiting area sat the one person I least expected to come to my rescue, Marissa. As soon as she saw me, she stood to her feet and came over holding a stack of clothes.

“Where is Orson?” I asked taking the pile from her.

“That’s all you’re going to say? I just saved you from spending the night in this filthy place.”

“I was going to tell you.”

“When?” She put her hands in her coat pockets then cocked her head. “Tell me Julian, so I know what happens to us now.”

“We’ll still fulfill the contract.”

She scoffed and turned on her heels headed for the parking lot. I followed after her like an injured puppy still in my orange jumpsuit.

She was obviously upset, but she knew more than anyone how important this was to me, and it was mutual. It was not an emotional attachment, but about business. We had been very clear on the subject so I had no idea why she was acting this way.

“I gave you my word Marissa, I said I would see this through, and I meant it. I waited when you said you needed time to think and now I’m asking for time.”
