Page 27 of Julian

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By the time I descended the stairs the next morning into the warm light that trickled in, I was told he had gone to work. Juanita had already cleaned up from breakfast and was making a shopping list.

Once Juanita left for the store, the house became silent with Mr. Pickles and I being the only ones inside. The loneliness began to settle around me and I considered searching for Drummer just to have conversation.

I know Julian was furious that I left. The cold look in his eyes told me all I needed to know. My intention was never to run away, I just needed to find an old friend who last I heard was in Oswego. Since he was so close, I thought maybe he could help me. Well, the joke was on me because he had died three months earlier.

When I was on my way back to Julian’s house, I got lost. Then, I started to get a blinding headache and laid down on a park bench hoping it would go away. I just lost track of time and did not think about the consequences of how Julian would take my disappearance.

I thought back to our time between the sheets as I stood starring out to his expansive backyard. It sent a shiver down my spine and my belly flip flopped. I had no idea I was capable of these kinds of feelings for another human. Julian made me feel like a real woman, not some crazy person programmed to kill.

Comparing scars had been refreshing. Maybe he did understand me better than I thought. Morla told me that one day I would go out into the world and find someone who made me feel safe and loved. The feelings I had for Julian were way better than anything I had seen on T.V.

I touched my lips as I remembered the feeling of his mouth against mine. It cracked open a hunger that I do not know when it will ever be satiated. I knew he would try to stop me if I told him I was going to search for an old friend. I was out for myself. Trusting someone else was dangerous business.

Orson had almost caught me sneaking out, but thankfully I was well trained for situations like this. I knew I was taking a chance being seen and could end up right back where I started, but that did not matter. How long was I going to keep running?

I wonder if Julian would ever be able to love me, a girl with no past and always running. We would never have a normal life. I’m sure he has been with many women, but for some reason I wanted to be the one he chose in the end.

The thought of that beautiful woman from the other day skidded across my mind trying to find a place to land. Was she his secretary? Maybe she was…no…I would not let my mind go there. I could not image Julian with another woman. He would have told me, right?

I shook my head to get rid of the thoughts.

Since I was all alone, I decided it was time to snoop to distract myself.

I ended up in Julian’s office flipping through a stack of papers. The bank statements in the stack reminded me how wealthy this man really was. I decided he needed to teach me how to play his game so I could get back at TheWonder Project. That was the only way to truly be free. I knew simply burning down their building would not be enough. Their financial backers would just throw more money at them to reestablish.

I marched to my room, put on some makeup, and the cheeriest dress I could find, then went in search of Drummer. I needed a ride.

As I approached Drummer, he looked like he was ready to run. I chuckled to myself at the thought of him chasing me. I was not that stupid; I knew he would win.

“Please take me to see Julian,” I asked in my sweetest voice possible.

“I’ll have to check with him.”

“I am not going to run if that’s what you’re worried about.”

“Still…” he pulled his phone out of his pocket.

In one quick motion I kicked it out of his hand and stomped on it. He looked at me in shock.

“Oops! Sorry. I slipped. Can we go now?”

“You little-“

“Call me whatever,” I interrupted his tirade. “It’s nothing I haven’t heard before. Can we go now?”

Drummer exhaled deeply as he walked over to the black car.

When we got to the high rise, Drummer showed his ID and walked in like the boss of his little universe. He punched a number on the elevator keypad, and we started rising.

When the doors opened, I saw a busy office environment. As we walked past the reception desk a blonde woman was walking our way. Drummer held up his pointer finger and told me to stay put. I huffed and crossed my arms then immediately changed my demeanor. My goal today was sweet and friendly.

They walked over to me and told me Julian was in a meeting so I would have to wait. The blonde woman guided us to a conference room with a massive table. She told me there was coffee on the buffet and I could help myself to the leftover pastries in the middle of the table.

Drummer remained just outside the doorway as if standing guard.
