Page 43 of Julian

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I could hear him talking on the phone, and I could feel his eyes on me anytime he muttered my name. He was speaking in code, but I knew he was talking about this damn thing in my head, the only evidence I had.

Before the heavy anesthesia had its way with my body so they could remove the chip, I had caught the doctor by the wrist.

“Whatever you find, kept it and hand them this,” I pressed it into her palm.

As the lights around me dimmed, my last vision was of her confused face, waiting for more information.

Then, the surgery happened.

I had no idea how long it had actually taken, but when I opened my eyes, I was alone. Emotions flooded my system as if I was back on that table five years ago. They told me I had lost my baby, but I remember watching them remove it from my womb and toss it in the trash.

A tear slipped down my cheek and hit my pillow. How could a human be so heartless? Even with all of our training, those other women in the program still understood my pain. I touched my abdomen and said a silent prayer for the baby I would never meet.

Suddenly an image skidded through my brain. I saw myself storm out of a house with someone behind me telling me to slow down, but I kept going. Was this a memory or a dream?

I squeezed my eyes shut then reopened them hoping to wake myself up.

My memories began to unfold like a story inside the pages of a book. There was a happy moment, then a sad moment…

Then, I heard his voice.

Five years ago

He was leaning against the kitchen counter, smiling as he noisily chewed on an apple in an effort to annoy me. I frowned, but not because of his actions, but because the thought of the other woman crossed my mind. She was classy and well dressed. The exact opposite of everything I was.

A vision of myself standing in front of a mirror grazed my mind like sandpaper against dry wood. My brown hair was pulled back in a ponytail, my oval face had no make up on it, and my short nails had dirt under them. I looked down at my grease-stained t-shirt and jeans.

I scoffed at my lack of any fashion sense. My world revolved around spending time in the shop, not in the office. My heart was much happier working with the guys on the engines rather than pushing papers.

I hated that I was worrying, but it was not unnecessary. My grandmother had told me to be wary of women like that, they were home wreckers. We were newlyweds trying to figure it all out. I never took much notice of women like Marissa Bryant before. Something about her overly cheery offers to help set me on edge. My husband just thought she was doing a great job and did not see her overt manipulation, but I did. My looks were nothing to compared to her.

I flashed back to the kitchen. He kissed my cheek with the fresh smell of apple mixed with his cologne surrounding me. A smile formed on my lips but was soon replaced with a scowl.

His phone vibrated against the kitchen table and her name floated across the screen. He did not even seem to notice my reaction as he picked up the phone and brought it to his ear.

His response was curt and unfeeling, but I could hear her drawl through the phone. How could someone who calls themselves a professional even talk like that? It was an obvious invitation, but all my husband seemed to hear was the report of a new deal she had just landed for the company, our company.

He hung up and leaned in for another kiss, but I pulled away.

“I don’t like her. Something seems shady,” I said in my usual style of not mincing words.

I saw the dismissal in his eyes as he leaned in for another kiss. I put a clove of garlic that was sitting on the counter in his mouth instead.

He spat it out in the sink.

“Are you serious?” he asked.

I gave him a hard stare and crossed my arms over my chest.

“But it’s just Marissa,” he said spreading his arms wide. She cares about the company and just wants to see all of us succeed.”

“Or she just wants to get into your pants.”

He frowned, “wow Rylie. Really? This is so unlike you.”
