Page 49 of Julian

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“I have a new test subject for us…yes, a female of course. She is pregnant and we haven’t had one of those yet. She’ll be perfect. Oh yeah…you know her.”

Marissa laughed.

“Your boss’ wife. Yes Orson, I want you to keep an eye on her. Yes, you heard correctly, I am talking about Rylie Fletcher Seven.”

The recording stopped and the sound of the click made me jump.

It did get worse.

I dropped the recorder on the desk like it was burning my hand. The full truth was out and there was no going back. My husband…Marissa…Orson. It was so much worse than anything I had conjured up in my mind.

My head started to pound, and I felt hot, fresh tears fall down my face. I sensed motion behind me and turned to see Sivan coming back into his office. His mouth was moving but all I could hear was the roar of white noise in my head. As he walked towards me, it felt like he was getting further and further away.

I stood up on shaky legs, suddenly feeling like I was suffocating. My eyes darted around like a caged animal looking for an escape. My mouth was dry and my heart was beating rapidly. Marissa did not just want me out of the picture, she wanted me gone all together.

I wrapped my arms around my belly protectively as Julian crossed my mind. He gave her money. Did he know what she was doing? That was the real question that had even more devastating consequences.

“You…you have to arrest her. We…we have evidence,” I gasped.

“Unfortunately, it’s not that simple. See we have to-“

Sivan was not listening. It was like he did not understand the gravity of the situation. I grabbed my purse and flew out the door.

Sivan ran after me asking if I was capable of driving. He kept asking if he could drive me home. I completely ignored every question. Marissa was after my life, and if I wanted to protect myself and stop this madness, I needed to know the answer to the only question left. Did Julian know.

Night had fallen by the time I got back out to the parking lot. I hurried to my car as my eyes darted back and forth expecting someone to jump out and grab me. My hands were shaking so bad that it took me a few attempts to jab the key into the ignition. Why did I not let Julian buy me one of those new cars where I just had to push a button?

As I sped out of the parking lot, I called Julian.

“Babe, I just got home. Where are you? Where did you go?”

“I’ll be home soon. There’s some stuff I just learned about Marissa and-“

“Rylie, just drop it. She’s crazy.”

“But Jul-“


“What I was going to say was and Orson.”

“What about Orson?”

“I just needed to hear your voice. I’ll be home soon. Don’t go anywhere.”

“Rylie, you’re not making any sense.”

“Do you trust me?”

“Of course.”

“Then stay put. I’ll be there soon.”

I hung up before he could argue anymore. What kind of test subject was I going to become? What disgusting experiments were they performing? How deep was Orson in all of this? My car did not seem to go fast enough as questions just swirled around in my head all unanswered.

I looked up towards the sky and wished that my wise Grandma Fletch was still here to talk to. If this was all true, that meant I had no one. If Julian had any knowledge of what he was supporting, this baby would grow up without a father. Maybe I could just go work for Bart.

As I pulled into the driveway, I did not even take the time to turn the car off nor close the door. I left the car running with the door wide open as I ran inside the house to find Julian.
