Page 8 of Julian

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“Julian, what am I doing here?”

“This is your new home,” he responded.

I scoffed and shot to my feet, simultaneously slamming my spoon on the table.

All I could remember before Morla was people hiding information from me, making me believe what they wanted, using me like an object. I was done accepting any of that. If Julian thought he could do that too, he had another thing coming.

I put my hands on the table and leaned over it glaring at Julian. He did not seem shocked at my sudden outburst. Rather, he sipped from his coffee cup then patted the corners of his mouth with a cloth napkin.

“I am not going to be fooled again,” I told him squarely. “So, when I ask you a goddamn question, you fucking answer.”

More silence.

“I require answers to my questions,” I said searching his eyes.

“Okay,” he put up his hands palms facing towards me. “But will you please sit down and eat. I prefer table manners.”

I narrowed my eyes trying to determine if he was serious or merely mocking me.

We had a brief staring contest before he spoke again, “sit down Gia.”

A puff of air escaped my lips in annoyance. Who did he think he was ordering me around like that? Morla might have trusted him, but I was not Morla. I needed explanations. I was no longer owned by anyone. I was still human after all and deserved to be treated with respect. He might be rich, but that did not mean he had control over me. I have left all of that behind.

“You are not the boss of me,” I told him sounding like a toddler about to have a tantrum. “So, you better tell me all I need to know.”

At that moment Orson came in, glanced at Julian before turning to face me.

“Good morning, Miss Gianna.”

He turned back to Julian.

“The car is ready Sir. I told Marisa what you asked, and you have the week.”

“Thanks Orson.”

Orson nodded and disappeared through the doorway.

Julian turned to me, “we are going somewhere today.”

“Now, are you going to order me around?” I did not know if I was repulsed or shocked by his assumption that I would do whatever he said. “I am not going anywhere,” I said crossing my arms over my chest. “Not until you give me answers. I don’t even know what I’m doing here or how you know Morla.”

“You said you wanted to know about me, and I am offering you that chance.”

I eyed him suspiciously. I had insecurities and fears, but I wasn’t going to let that get in the way of my mission to avenge Morla. I had a mission, and I didn’t want to waver, at least not yet until I had a plan. I sat back in my seat and picked up my spoon. My hand was halfway to my mouth when his hand reached out and grabbed my wrist knocking over his glass of water. The liquid soaked into his newspaper. With one hand he grabbed a clean spoon and offered it to me and with the other hand he grabbed a napkin and pressed it into the pool of water.

I was frozen in place still holding the new spoon midair. What had just happened? I had been exposed to plenty more germs then were on a fallen spoon in some perfectly clean house.

He settled back in his seat and continued eating as if nothing had happened.

I placed the spoon on my plate as if it might burn me if I held it too long.

What kind of man are you, Julian?

I was so confused about his hot and cold demeanor, but if Morla trusted him…

“You are welcome,” he interrupted my thoughts.

I caught the twinkle in his eye and smiled back.
