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Macie parked Heidi’s car in front of the low building with a list of medical doctors on the sign in front.

“Here we are,” Heidi said in a light tone.

Macie hadn’t missed the undercurrent of stress in the woman, and she exhaled silently, then opened her door. “It looks like a nice place.”

“Oh, it is,” Heidi said. “They have new carpeting and indoor plants and everything.”

Macie popped open her door, and then walked with Heidi into the waiting room. As Heidi signed in, Macie looked around. Several people were waiting, and a TV hummed in the corner, although no one was paying attention to it.

This waiting room could be any waiting room in the country. And these patients could all be in various stages of illnesses. Macie blinked back the stinging in her eyes, determined to be a support for Heidi, and not to feel sorry for herself.

By the time they left the appointment for the blood draw, Macie was more than ready to leave. The memories of such visits with her mom had left her feeling raw. But she’d managed to tamp all that down, and just focus on Heidi.

“Do you want to grab lunch at the café down the street?” Heidi asked as they climbed back into the car.

“Sure,” Macie said, although she hated to leave Ruby for very long. She’d fallen asleep for her nap, and Rex had said he’d keep an eye on her when she woke up. But Macie knew that Heidi needed this outing.

Macie tensed as they drove farther into town. It was obvious that preparations for the rodeo were well under way. The place was busier than ever, and there was actually traffic. “Where should we park?” Macie asked when it looked like all the street parking was filled.

“Behind the café,” Heidi said.

The woman didn’t seem bothered by the crowds. Maybe she liked the busy aspect, but Macie wasn’t entirely looking forward to more introductions. The ones at Racoons had been enough.

But the moment they walked into the café, Macie realized she’d been worried about the wrong thing. There sat Barb at a table with her girlfriends—the same ones from the other week. As usual, Barb was dolled up, looking like she was about to do a professional commercial.

“Oh, my goodness,” Barb said, loudly enough for the entire café to hear. “If it isn’t the Prosper women out in spades.” She rose and strolled over to them, wearing a yellow halter top paired with white skinny jeans and yellow heels.

Soon, Macie was enveloped in a perfumed hug, then they were drawn over to the table.

“Make room, everyone; we’ve gotta catch up.”

Jana and Patsy scooted their chairs over, and Barb managed to snag two more chairs in the crowded café. Heidi excused herself to use the restroom, and Macie was immediately pounced upon.

“Oh my goodness,” Barb said. “Those men at Racoons were sure all over you. Have you been dating any of them?”

Jana and Patsy watched her like excited toddlers about to have ice cream.

“No, I’m not dating anyone,” Macie said, keeping her voice as low as possible. It was true. She wouldn’t really consider she and Holt dating, not in the formal sense, anyway.

“Well, Briggs has been asking about you,” Barb continued. “Don’t you think he’s good-looking?”

Macie shrugged. She didn’t want to comment too much, because all of these people in this town went way back in their relationships.

Jana giggled. “What does that mean? Yes or no?”

“It means that I’m not talking about dating.” Macie smiled, hoping to lighten her tone.

“It’s just us, hon,” Barb rested her hand on Macie’s arm. “You can’t stay sad and single forever.”

Macie’s neck felt hot, and she wondered what was taking Heidi so long.

“So, tomorrow night, there’s going to be a cattle parade,” Barb continued. “Lots of smokin’ hot cowboys will be there. How about coming with us?”

Macie’s stomach dropped. Would Knox be there? The rodeo was still five days away. How soon would he arrive?

“I don’t know,” she said, primarily because the invitation caught her off guard, and brought up a well of emotions she didn’t want to think about in a public café.

“Well, we plan to wear you down, hon,” Barb said with a grin. “Right, girls?”
