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“I get to ride a horse!” Ruby announced. “Grandpa and Holt teached me how to take care of it.”

“That so?” Knox’s gaze slid to Holt’s. “Sounds like you’ve become a regular cowgirl.”

Ruby giggled. Her energy seemed to be slowly returning. “Holt says I have to wear boots to ride Sammy, and they’re pink!”

Again, Knox was looking at Holt.

Holt stayed leaning against the railing, keeping his arms folded, not saying a word.

“Mommy, put me down,” Ruby said. “I want to show Daddy my boots.”

Macie looked like she was about to say no, then she set Ruby down. The little girl hurried into the house. Knox watched her go, then cleared his throat. “Look, uh, I’m glad you’re all here. I needed to apologize to everyone, especially Macie. I let some things get the better of me, and I was . . .” His gaze cut to Holt’s, then returned to Macie’s. “I was unfaithful, and no woman deserves how I treated Macie.”

Heidi gasped and covered her mouth, tears starting again for a different reason now.

Knox pressed on. “I wanted y’all to know that I’m real sorry, and I’m a new man. I’m here to own up to my mistakes, and be the husband and father I should have been from the beginning.”

No one else moved. No one spoke. Then Ruby’s pattering footsteps sounded from inside the house, coming toward the door.

“Look, Daddy!” Ruby called before pushing open the screen door.

Knox crouched before Ruby to inspect her pink cowgirl boots. “Those are real pretty, doll.”

Macie turned from the scene and walked down the porch steps, then continued walking toward the barn. No one stopped her. Knox continued to talk to Ruby, asking her questions and laughing at her responses.

It was clear he was nervous and hadn’t interacted with a lot of little kids. Holt wondered how long this whole charade would last.

“Where’s Mommy going?” Ruby asked.

That’s when Knox noticed that Macie had left. He straightened and told Ruby, “Can you stay with Grandma for a bit? I need to talk to your mom.”

Ruby nodded, clearly eager to please this new adult in her life. Knox crossed the porch to the stairs, but Holt grasped his arm. “Hold up.”

Knox turned with surprise, then his brows drew together when Holt didn’t release him. “Let her be.”

Knox jerked his arm away.

“Let’s go get a treat in the kitchen, Ruby,” Heidi said, and ushered the little girl into the house.

Which was probably a good thing, because Holt wasn’t in a charitable mood.

“Leave me be.” Knox headed down the stairs and strode past Rex.

Holt took off after him. “She’s not your wife anymore, Knox. You have no right to interrupt her peace here.”

Knox whirled at this. “You don’t get to tell me how to run my life, or how to talk to Macie.”

“Son,” Rex said in a commanding tone. “Holt’s right. You showing up and expecting everyone to forget the past in a couple of minutes isn’t realistic. These things take time. If you’re truly serious about changing your life, then you know you’ll always be welcome. But Macie needs time and space. You two can work out how you’re going to raise Ruby, but that’s a discussion for when Macie’s ready.”

Knox’s throat worked as he swallowed.

Holt could tell that he was holding back plenty of retorts.

“Don’t tell me you’re taking Holt’s side on this?” Knox ground out.

Rex didn’t blink. “What are you talking about? Macie did the right thing in my opinion, cutting you loose so that you can finally decide what kind of a man you want to be.”

Knox’s face flushed. “What am I talking about? It’s as clear as the blue Texan sky that Holt is carrying on with Macie. He’s still sore at me for taking her to the dirt dance that night we all met. Hell, they’re probably sleeping together by now—”
