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“Is that a threat?” Knox ground out.

“It’s a promise.”

Knox scoffed.

“I don’t know if you ever loved Macie,” Holt said, “at least in the way she deserved. But obviously, you’re not trying to get her back. You haven’t changed, and I don’t see that happening anytime soon. So I’m here to tell you that if Macie and I have a future together, just know that if you want to have a relationship with Ruby, you’ll need to clean up your life.”

“You have no power to tell me what to do,” Knox shot back.

“You’re right. Only you have power over yourself.” Holt rose from the chair. “But you have a little girl out there who doesn’t even know her daddy. Maybe one day, you’ll want to change that. And as much as I want to throw another punch at your face right now, for Ruby’s sake, I hope you’ll man up one day and be a decent father to her.”

Knox shot to his feet, eye to eye with Holt. “You have no right—”

“Goodbye, Knox.” Holt stepped back. “Call Mom. Get your life together. And honestly, I hope you win the championship tonight. I hope you use the money to get out of debt and make good on something in your life.”

Holt turned and walked away. He didn’t think Knox had an answer anyway. Holt had come to say what he needed to. Knox was a grown man, and Holt couldn’t babysit him anymore.

“Holt Prosper, is that you, pumpkin?” Barb’s voice rang clear.

He looked over to see her standing with a couple of women. Her yellow rodeo outfit glittered in the lights, blending with her blonde hair and white cowboy hat. Holt didn’t even break his stride.

“Barb,” he said, tipping his hat.

Continuing past, he pretended he didn’t hear her next question. It was time to get out of here. Time to get in his truck and drive out of town. And hopefully, Macie would answer her door.

It wasn’t until Holt had driven past the city limits that his pulse began to slow. The rodeo would be over tonight, and hopefully, Knox would be gone tomorrow. Holt wanted to convince Macie to return to the ranch when Knox left.

He drummed his fingers on the steering wheel, thinking of all the upheavals in Macie’s life over the past few years. He hated to think that she was suffering yet again. But she’d only given him short replies to his texts, and he’d felt effectively cut off.

The past few days without being around Macie had left a hole in his heart, one that he knew only she could fill. He also missed Ruby.

When Holt pulled up to the motel where Macie was staying, he grabbed a sack of things his mother had sent with him. She wasn’t willing to call Macie yet, but she wanted Ruby to have some treats.

The motel was more rundown than Holt was comfortable with. He also didn’t like that she didn’t have a car. He walked the perimeter until he found her room number. He pulled out his phone and texted her that he’d arrived. When he’d texted her earlier that night to tell her he wanted to stop by, there’d been no reply.

Still nothing.

Holt knocked softly on the door. He waited a moment, then finally, he heard something from inside, then the door opened.

Macie stood there, a thin bathrobe pulled about her. Her hair was tied up in a knot, with damp tendrils curling against her neck. Plainly, she’d been in the shower or bath recently.

“Holt.” His name came out on an exhale.

“Did you get my texts?” he asked, even though he knew they’d been read.

Macie lifted a hand to her neck. “I did, and I wish you wouldn’t have come all this way. Ruby’s asleep, and I’m not good company.”

Holt braced a hand against the door frame. “I wanted to make sure you’re okay.”

Macie held his gaze for a moment, then looked away. “I’m okay. I already told you that.”

“I wanted to see for myself.” He looked down the length of the motel. “This isn’t the best location to be staying by yourself.” His gaze shifted back to her. “I can pay for a nicer location. I want you safe.”

She lifted her chin. “It’s fine, and I’m fine, Holt. I was being serious when I said that I don’t want any handouts.”

“It’s not a handout, darlin’,” he said. “Not when you’re family.”

But she didn’t soften, and she didn’t relent. He could see the determination in her eyes—determination to stick her ground.
