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He examined the door. There was a doorknob lock and a rather flimsy chain link. He took a step into the hotel room and rattled the loose contraption. “This should have a deadbolt,” he said. “At the very least. Do the windows lock?”

Macie folded her arms. “They’re locked.”

He glanced over at the small sleeping form of Ruby in the single queen bed. He hated that Macie and her daughter were so exposed and vulnerable here. He moved past Macie and walked to the window. He parted the drapes, then tested the lock.

“I guess you’re coming in,” Macie deadpanned.

He looked over at her. The door was still open a foot, and she stood by it, her lips pressed tight.

“Please let me help you relocate,” Holt said.

“Ruby’s asleep for the night,” Macie said. “Besides, you can’t keep worrying about me.”

Holt closed the distance between them. “I’m going to worry about you when you’re two towns over and staying in a dump with who knows what on the other side of the door.”

Macie exhaled and looked down. “That’s not what I mean.”

Holt didn’t miss the sorrow in her voice. “Do you want me to leave, then?”

For a moment, he thought she’d say yes, but instead, she stepped toward him and slipped her arms about his waist. He shut the door with one hand, then pulled her close.

She smelled like warm apples, and he simply breathed her in, relieved that she’d hold him, and that she hadn’t kicked him out. Yet.

“You don’t give up, do you?” she whispered against his neck.

Her breath on his skin sent goose bumps scattering across it, and he closed his eyes. “Not when it comes to you, darlin’. I’ve missed you.”

Her hold tightened on him. “I just want him to go away.”

Without asking her to clarify, Holt knew she was talking about Knox.

“But that wouldn’t be good for Ruby in the long run,” Macie said, drawing back and meeting Holt’s gaze. “Why does it have to be so complicated?”

“You’re a loyal person, Macie,” he said. “And you’ve got a big heart.”

“He says that he wants to be able to talk to Ruby when he’s not in Texas.”

“Knox called you?” Was it good news that Knox had requested visits? This was a step forward, right? More than he’d done over the past year.

“Yeah,” Macie said in a quiet voice. “A few minutes ago.”

“What else did he say?”

Macie met his gaze, her green eyes resolute. “He told me that if I wanted to . . . pursue you . . . then he wouldn’t put up a fuss.”

Holt stared at her, because he wasn’t sure where she was going with this, but his hammering heart was hoping it would be positive.

She bit the edge of her lip, which only made Holt’s attention go to her mouth. “So . . .” he said

“So . . .” she breathed. “I told him that I didn’t know how things would turn out between you and me. But that I appreciated his support.”

Holt raised a hand and ran his thumb along her jaw. “Am I allowed to hope? Or are you going to break my heart?”

Macie’s eyes fluttered shut as he moved his hand behind her neck.

“Your mom hates me.”

“No, she doesn’t,” Holt said. “She’ll come around.” He moved one hand slowly down her back. “She’s just had a shock.”

Macie’s eyes opened. “What about your dad?”

“You heard him the other day,” Holt said. “He doesn’t want to see you suffer anymore, and he’d do anything to help.”

Macie nodded, then bit her lip. “Can we take this one day at a time, Holt?” she whispered.

“I can live with that,” he murmured, just before his mouth claimed hers.

She twined her arms about his neck and tugged him closer. Holt obliged, although he didn’t let his hands wander. Ruby might be asleep, but they weren’t alone. Besides, he wanted Macie to be sure about him. No doubts whatsoever.

But the fact that she was kissing him back and didn’t seem like she was about to let him go anytime soon was more than good enough for Holt.
