Page 15 of Warming His Bed

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“He relented after I tried to make camp in his backyard.” A smile spread across my face.

Her eyebrows shot up. “You stayed with Drew? At his house?”

“In a guest room. Alone. And I left before he woke up.” I didn’t want his sister getting the wrong idea. Not sure he’d appreciate that. Seemed gossip traveled fast in this town.

“Right, wasn’t trying to imply otherwise.” She brushed off my protest with indifference. “But you stayed in his house?”


“I’ll be damned.” She cocked her hip. “I grew up in that house and I haven’t stepped foot in it in five years.” She got a faraway look.

“Grew up there?” Okay, if it was their parents’ house, that explained the decor.

Valerie snapped her attention back to me then her expression shuttered for a second before she painted on an overly zealous smile. “Where is my head? I came over to tell you Kobie said she can meet with you tomorrow morning. She’ll be at the historical society doing some archive work most of the day. She said to stop by any time after ten.”

“That would be great—”

“You know what?” She slapped her palm on her forehead. “I forgot we’ve got some brochures about the festival up front. Let me go grab some of those.” She hurried away from my booth. “Your food should be up any minute,” she called over her shoulder.

Is this what someone felt like after their house got hit by a tornado? Dazed and a little shocked at how fast things happened?

Mystery Homeowner had a name.

