Page 28 of Warming His Bed

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Objectifying and a little dehumanizing? Probably, but I couldn’t help the fact that my vagina was short-circuiting my brain.

Jesus save me, the noises coming out of him. Deep, breathy grunts with each notch he climbed that absolutely had me imagining what kind of sex noises he made.

My mouth went dry while everything south of my navel went decidedly not dry as I stood there checking him out.

The idea taking root in my brain was inevitable after the show he was putting on.

A vacation fling was exactly what I needed. Ease the stress from Eirin breathing down my neck. Give me a little inspiration for one of my articles. Blow off some steam and get this man out of my system so I could actually focus on why I was here.

He was a virile, seemingly unattached man. It was unlikely he’d turn down some no-strings-attached action with someone who’d be out of his life in a couple of weeks. Although he was a touch prickly, so I’d need to handle my suggestion with a bit of finesse.

As I considered how to broach the topic, my phone alarm blared. Oh hell, I must have accidentally snoozed the alarm I set for the muffin timer instead of turning it off. Frantically, I dug through my purse to silence it, and I managed to knock over a stack of boxes in the process.

Drew stopped his upward motion, scowling over his shoulder. He wasn’t surprised enough to fall off his home gym contraption. Instead, he dropped down with the ease of a jungle cat, landing on his right leg and bending it for a second before straightening and putting down his prosthetic leg.

When he turned to face me full-on, his eyes morphed from glacial to twin blue flames churning with fury.

“Sorry about the boxes.” I choked on my words.

He took a few steps toward me, then stopped himself. “How long have you been here?” he growled.

“U-um…n-not long?” I stuttered. “I was enjoying the show.”

“Enjoying the show?” His jaw clenched as he gritted out the words, colored with disbelief. He did not appreciate my attempt at honesty wrapped in a joking tone.

I cleared my throat. “Sorry for intruding. I was on my way out and I heard noises coming from the garage and figured I’d better check it out. Make sure someone wasn’t stealing all your tools while you were out on your run. But here you are,” I said brightly.

He took several steps back, until he leaned against a workbench, his intense stare never wavering from my face. I was grateful my complexion didn’t usually show a blush, because heat rose up my neck under his scrutiny.

“You should go.” He crossed his arms over his chest and my eyes couldn’t help but trace over one of the bulging veins that wrapped up his forearm, curled into the crook of his elbow, and then ran along the inside of his bicep. “Now,” he bit out, breaking me from my trance.

“Okay, good grief. You don’t have to be a jerk about it.” Apparently, he was the opposite of every guy at my gym who peacocked all over the place as soon as they noticed a girl checking them out.

“Your company paid for a room. Not dinner and a show.”

I got that plenty of people wanted to be left alone when they were working out, but was the idea of me checking him out that irritating? This didn’t bode well for my vacation fling idea.

“Fine. I’m sorry for interrupting your workout and for checking you out. But maybe if you don’t want to be gawked at, you shouldn’t have all of your man candy out on display.” I waved my hand in the vicinity of his chest. “I’m leaving. I’ll stay out of your way for the day and be back this evening. There are muffins in the kitchen.”

I turned on my heel and left him with a look of confusion ebbing into his chilly expression.

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