Page 49 of Warming His Bed

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Drew’s ex.

She wore a sling with a baby nestled up against her chest and pulled a towheaded toddler along with her. Guess I didn’t need to worry whether she was still pining over Drew.

“I heard about Brian Shelton.” She placed a hand against her chest. “What are you going to do?”

“I’m sure we’ll get it figured out,” Kobie said.

“We’re thinking about asking Drew.” I blurted the words out like a needy child who wanted to be part of the conversation.

Gwen turned to look at me, her amber-colored eyes wide, as if she’d just realized I was at the table. Long auburn waves fell past her shoulders, and a smattering of light freckles across the top of her cheekbones were the only imperfection noticeable on her creamy skin.

Was eyebrow envy a thing? Because if it was, I definitely had it. The woman looked like some kind of mystical faerie come to life out of a wood engraving.

“Gwen.” She introduced herself with a disarming smile and reached out to shake my hand. “You must be Sadie. The miracle worker.”

“I’m sorry?” Heat crept up my neck. What had she heard about me?

She glanced around, then scooted closer to our table like she was avoiding eavesdroppers. “I heard Drew was seen at the Tipsy Elk and Jack’s Drugs this week. Two public outings in one week? Plus he’s back on the group text with Brody and the guys. That’s unheard of—you’ve resurrected him from the dead, by our standards.”

Brody and the guys?

I didn’t know anything about these people or places, but obviously Guinevere did. She might be his ex, but I was the one who was temporary. An outsider to his life. To his history.

“Who knew having a boarder was all it would take to get him to pop out of his shell,” she said.

Boarder. Right.Because that was all I was.

A boarder, who he also happened to be banging.

“Not sure I’ve done anything special.” Nothing she needed to hear about anyway. I smoothed my hands down my thighs, wishing I could shove these irrational, jealous feelings away.

“Nonsense. He’s made so much progress this week.” She turned to Kobie. “But don’t you think Valor King would be too much? We don’t want him to spiral again.”

Kobie’s only response was a contemplative sound.

The way people in this town talked about him like he wasn’t capable of making his own decisions burned under my skin. “Don’t you think that should be up to him?” I failed to keep the snap out of my tone.

Gwen tilted her head and gave me a smile that left the Bless Your Heart unsaid. “Drew doesn’t like doing anything to bring attention to the accident. We don’t want to upset him by suggesting it. Especially when he’s doing so well. We all want what’s best for him. Right, Kobie?”

“Of course,” Kobie answered with a vigorous nod.

“Good luck, and let me know if there’s anything I can do to help.” The baby in her sling fussed a bit, and she gave a soft tut that calmed it. “I have to get home before Soren’s feeding time. Come on, Freya.” She smiled down at her daughter before leading her away.

“Guess that’s settled,” Kobie muttered into her coffee.
