Page 102 of The Long Way Home

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It’s a photo of her and Rush. His arms around her waist, they’re kind of hugging. It doesn’t necessarily look romantic.

“So?” I look from the phone back to him and back to the picture of her. “This could be from before.”

“It’s outside PAULS on Holland Park Avenue—” He gives me a look. “Taken this morning.”

“Fuck!” My head falls back and I yell into my hands. “Why would she—”

Jo stares at me. “The dead deer on your chest couldn’t have helped.”

I stare over at him. “When did your comedic niche become stating the fucking obvious?”

“Around the same time your everyday choices became so ridiculous we didn’t need the jokes anymore.”

I give him a fake smile, he gives me one back.

“Should I help her move?” I scratch the back of my head.

Jo sighs, presses his fingertips into his eyeballs and cringes. “I can’t do this sober. Make me a Bloody Mary?”

I toss him a look and start pulling out the ingredients.

“But do you think I should? Would that be a good way of letting her know I’m happy she’s back?”

“Yeah.” He shrugs. “Or you could just tell her you’re happy she’s back.”

“If I tell Henry I’m getting it removed, he’ll tell her—”

He points over at me, interrupting. “Oi, put more vodka in that. Bit more—” He eyeballs me. “A bit more — I swear to god, BJ, if you want to keep talking about this, I’m going to need you to pour me a real fucking glass.”

“Talking about what?” Jordan asks as she walks up the stairs.

Jo and I catch looks.

“Oh. Nothing.” He shrugs. “Just shit with me and Hen.”

Jordan pulls a face because she thinks they’re being stupid.

Me too, actually. They don’t talk about it, kind of just let it fester between them. It’s sort of like me and Christian, I guess. They never seem to come to blows through. Henry’s too controlled. And I think Jo is scared of the fallout with me.

“You’re still free on the weekend right?” she asks me with a big grin.

Shit. I forgot we had plans.

Oh, actually, no — I’m going to help the girls move.”

Her face tugs.

“The girls?” she asks.

Jonah pulls an uncomfortable face and makes a weird sound.

Jordan squints at me. “Like, your ex-girlfriend, her sister and a girl you used to sleep with?” She frowns.

I say nothing. Feels like a trap.

“Yeah, but, like—” Jo shrugs. “Now I’m sleeping with her, so…”

Jordan flicks him a look.
