Page 113 of The Long Way Home

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“Are you going to move in with your girlfriend?” she asks me, eyebrows up.

“Temporarily,” Jordan adds as a caveat.

“Are you going you move in with your girlfriend temporarily?” Magnolia asks me again, looking me dead in the eyes.

I want to reach across the table and hold her face in my hand. I know I can’t because of Jordan, but I also don’t know that I could even if Jordan wasn’t here because I don’t know what the fuck is going on. Parks, she’s a territorial girl. She doesn’t like new people in general and she’s never liked me paying attention to anyone else, but I can’t tell why that is anymore.

Maybe she loves me. Maybe she just doesn’t know how to be without me.

“Oh my god.” Jordan whacks my arm excitedly. And thank fuck. I didn’t know where that was going to go but I knew it’d be ugly. Me and Parks locking horns? It never ends well.

Jordan shakes my arm, nodding her head excitedly towards the door. “Is that Jack-Jack Cavan?”

“What?” I perk up, glancing around. “Where?”

“Sorry—” Magnolia blinks. “What did you just say?”

“Nothing.” I shake my head at her. She won’t know who he is. “He’s just a skater.”

“Turned model, turned celebrity,” Jordan adds. “Super sexy.”

Magnolia swallows. Her face is still. Weird.

Then she turns over her shoulder and looks at the door.

Jack-Jack Cavan’s eyes catch hers and he nods his chin at her coolly with a big grin. Magnolia smiles at him a bit, gives him a weird wave.

And then he starts walking towards us.

“Oh, shit.” My brother sighs quietly and I look over at him, confused.

What the fuck? Henry trades a grimace with Parks and then he’s here — four-time Street League champion, three-time X Games gold medalist, and the second-highest paid skateboarder of 2021. Jack-Jack Cavan is standing over Parks, looking down at her, grinning.

“I found you.” He reaches down, takes her hand, pulls her to her feet and into him.

She hugs him back, cautiously — maybe awkwardly. “Were you looking for me?”

“Yep.” He nods and I’ll say it again louder for the people in the back: What. The. Fuck.

She gives him a little look that’s too playful for me to like. “How did you know where I was?”

He shrugs coolly. “Rushy’s got the 411.” Then he remembers the rest of us at the table. “Hey guys, sorry—” He shakes his head at himself. “I’m Jack-Jack.”

(Everyone murmurs variants of ‘hey’ and ‘hi’ except me. I say nothing and just watch.)

“Taura.” He gives her a familiar grin.

“Jack-Jack.” She matches it.

“Hey man.” He ruffles my brother’s hair, that fucking traitor, then he turns his attention back to Parks. “So, hey.” He smiles at her in a way I hate.

“Hi.” She suppresses a smile.

“Hi.” He nods, and his cheeks could be a bit pink.


Parks eyes him. “What are you doing in London?”
