Page 139 of The Long Way Home

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She looks a tiny bit like she might cry, like she would if she could, but she won’t. Wouldn’t lose face to me twice in a row.

She sits up straighter.

“Taura,” she says brightly.

“Mm?” Taura glances back, nervous.

“Remember how you asked me what Jack-Jack is like in bed and I said I’d tell you another time?”

She looks uneasy. “Mmhm.”

“I’m going to tell you now.” Parks nods.

Tausie shakes her head. “No, that’s okay—”

“—No, it’s fine, I don’t mind. This is great.” Parks nods.

I wobble my head around. “Seems weird that this conversation didn’t organically take place already, seeing as you’re flatmates and all, but go on.”

“Firstly,” Magnolia says loudly over me, “he’s ripped. I mean, jacked. Completely. Head to toe. The perfect body. So tan. California tan—”

“—Do you want me to take my shirt off?”

(“No,” Taura says.)

“—I will,” I keep going. “Pull over? I’ll fucking bench press Jonah right here, right now.”

(“Sorry—” Jo looks back at me. “Do I get a say in this?”)

“And do you know what I love most about him?” Parks says, ignoring me.

“Nothing?” I cut in again. “Because you love me, you told me last night.”

(Jonah starts laughing.)

Magnolia keeps at it though.

“He’s not a slut,” she says with a stare at me. “Not slutty at all! Do you know how great it is to be with a man and not worry about catching gonorrhoea?”

“Actually,” Taurs tosses a ginger look at Jonah. “No.”

Jo chuckles and flicks her.

“Well, it’s wonderful.” Magnolia shrugs. “Very, very releasing. A weight off my shoulders, because—”

I look over at her. “—You know, Parks, it’s funny you’re talking about sluts. I mean, how many people did you hook up with while you were in New York?”

“Oi—” Jonah frowns from the front, but I know I crossed a line.

I’d kill people for saying less to her than that. But we’re mid-battle and it rolls right over her. Doesn’t wear it for a second.

“Jonah it’s fine. Don’t be so silly—” She leans forward, squeezes his shoulder, turns back to me. I brace myself, fight the urge to kiss her. “Great question, Beej. Over the almost year I was in New York, I had sex with… less people than you did the week we broke up.”

She gives me a smug smile.

My mouth puckers and I squint at her.

“Would you like me to tell you who they are?” she asks brightly.
