Page 143 of The Long Way Home

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“And what is this place, Angus?”

“It’s called the Ty Newydd Burial Chamber.”

BJ rolls his eyes.

I link Taura’s arm with mine and look up at Angus. “And why do we like the Ty Newydd Burial Chamber?”

“We like it because it’s from the Neolithic period.”

I glance at Taurs for clarification.

“Somewhere between 10,000-4500 BC,” she tells me.

(“Bit of a big margin,” says BJ.)

“We think this one’s from about 4000-2000 BC,” Angus adds.

(“Still a big margin,” Beej whispers to Jo, who smacks him in the stomach)

“And sites like this are important because they give us a glimpse into the strangers of the past. At this site, archeologists have found arrowheads, pottery, even some ancient art,” Angus continues, a bit oblivious.

“It’s just four rocks.” BJ blinks.

Jonah gives him a look.

“Do you like history, Magnolia?” Angus asks brightly as we walk around the meadow. Tausie and Jonah are taking photos in the dolmen, being all sweet and together and I feel a pang of nervousness for Henry — for all of us, actually.

“Yeah,” BJ says from behind us. “Do you like history, Parks?”

“I used to.” I smile up at Angus brightly, ignoring BJ. “Loved it, actually. So much. I thought there was something so romantic about history, the ways it connects people to one another, all the ways it can speak to our future. I loved history.” I flick my eyes over to BJ, whose jaw’s set, watching me. “But I gave up on it.” I nod. “Last night.”

“Oh.” Angus nods, glancing at BJ. “That’s… oddly specific.”

Angus sniffs an amused laugh and then he lets out a rueful sigh.

“If you don’t much like history, I’m afraid I’m not going to be much use to you.”

I turn around and give him a bright smile as Taura and Jo join us.

“Now, while I don’t love history, I do love an educated man.”

“Do you?” BJ scoffs. “Is that why you’re fucking a pro skateboarder?”

Angus’s eyes go wide, Taura’s mouth makes an O shape and Jonah turns to him, head pulled back. But my face doesn’t move a muscle.

My heart beats faster though, because—

Ding ding goes the bell, and a girl in a bikini walks between us with a sign that says ‘Round Two.’

“I’m sorry.” I squint over at him, giving him a fake smile. “I don’t know what you mean.”

“I’m talking about that skateboarder slash model you went home with last week.”

“Oh.” I nod. “You mean Jack-Jack? Who I dated for five months?” BJ bites down on his tongue. “Who you’re obsessed with?” His eyes pinch. “Who has a Master’s in Art History?” He rolls his eyes.

BJ nods his chin at nothing. “Fucking useless degree.”

“Completely.” I nod emphatically. “Hey, what’s your Master’s degree in?”
