Page 213 of The Long Way Home

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I think my bottom lip might be going a little bit because he stares at it for a second and he breathes out like he’s sorry and tired of me all at once. Then he slips his hand up to my face and holds it.

“Want me to go smack him around a bit?”

I wipe my nose and sniff. “Which him?”

He tilts my chin up with one finger and looks for my eyes. “Any him you like…”

That makes me smile a bit and as soon as I do his arms go around my waist and he pulls me in towards him, looking down at me, eyebrows up.

“You a bit bored tonight, Tiges?”

“No?” I frown.

“You’re out here looking for drama. I’m just wondering why.” He gives me a look.

“No, I’m not—” I scowl up at him. “Just… what’s the point of dating you, if—”

“—We’re not dating,” he interrupts.

“Oh.” My mouth snaps shut and my cheeks go that stupid pink all over again. “No. Right. I didn’t m—”

He grins down at me, not shifting a muscle. “You want me to go across the hall and hit Christian?”

“A bit,” I tell him, still mildly disgruntled by the entire thing.

Julian nods once, accepting this. “Alright.” He starts moving towards his bedroom door.

“No!” I laugh.

“Nope—” He shakes his head and opens his bedroom door. “I’ll defend your honour,” he tells me gallantly before glancing back at me playfully. “And then I’ll take it later.”

“Julian!” I run after him, grab his wrist and pull him back.

“I’ve got to, Tiges. I don’t have a choice. The drama’s calling me,” he tells me and steps out into the hallway. I keep pulling but he’s very strong so I jump on his back.

Not because I think he’ll actually hit Christian, but because I feel like being close to him again.

And I don’t quite know how he does it, but he reaches behind himself and pulls me around him so I’m wrapped around his waist, eye to eye.

He stares at me for a few seconds then sighs again. “Well then, I guess you’re coming with me.” He keeps walking across the hall and I start laughing and he’s laughing and so I kiss him because I want to.

He carries me backwards before tossing me down on his bed. He lies down beside me.

“So what was that all about?” He nods his head towards the hallway.

I prop myself up a bit. “How good are you at keeping a secret?”

“I’m a gang lord,” he tells me and I frown.

“Is that the job title we’re sticking with, then?”


“Really?” I frown.

He nods.

“Well, that doesn’t work that well for me as a measuring stick for how good you are at secret-keeping because you’re the only proper one of those that I know.”
