Page 263 of The Long Way Home

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“F = MA.” He frowned at me even though I know I was right. “Force equals mass times acceleration.”

“Correct.” He nodded, smiling at me before turning to the class. “Multiplying MA in the equation means we’re multiplying the units, so the units of F becomes—”

“—Kilogram metres per second squared,” I jumped in again. BJ’s eyes flicked over at me proudly.

Mr Kincaid titled his head. “Also known as?”

“KG times m/s/s.”

He nodded once. “Also known as?”

“Newtons.” I gave him a tiny smile and he crossed his arms over his chest.

“Aren’t you in Year 11?” Araminta Bachman asked me, annoyed.

“Yeah, so?” I glared over at her.

She rolled her eyes, I rolled mine.

“Alright—” Mr Kincaid looked between us, still a bit amused. “Moving on.”

After about thirty minutes, the bell rang and BJ was up on his feet and grabbing my hand, pulling me out of the classroom.

“Bye, sir!” I called back to him. “Thank you so much, excellent lesson! I really enjoyed how y—” And then BJ grabbed my face with both hands and pressed me up against the wall outside the classroom, kissing me in a way where the entire student body went balmy.

“Mr Ballentine—” Kincaid rolled his eyes, arms crossed again.

And BJ, he didn’t stop kissing me, didn’t slow down at all, he — if you can believe it, and I’m sure you can — held up a finger for his teacher to wait.

“And that’s a detention.” Mr Kincaid nodded.

BJ grinned against my mouth, one more big kiss that felt embarrassing because there was obvious tongue and then three little ones, and my cheeks were on fire but who was I to stop the love of my life kissing me like that?

“Yeah.” Beej nodded. “Fair call. That’s all good, just not this weekend, yeah?” He looked over at his teacher with a smile.

“Oh?” Mr Kincaid lifted an eyebrow. “Sorry, do you have other plans?”

“I do, yep.” BJ nodded, throwing an arm around me.

“And what might those be?”

“Well, sir—” I stood extra tall. “We’re going to have sex for the first time.”

BJ smacked his mouth with his hand to stop himself from laughing.

“Oh.” Mr Kincaid’s eyes went wide, nodding. “Okay, right. I hate that. Hate it—” He shook his head. “Hate that you said it so merrily too, god.” He pulled a face like he’d tasted something sour. “Are you sure you’re ready?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be!” I beamed.

Mr Kincaid didn’t look so sure. “You strike me as a bit young…”

“Sir—” I snorted a laugh at him like he was crazy. “You’re so funny. Anyway, I’ve got to go grab my Paddington Bear from my dorm room—”

Kincaid’s eyes went wider as BJ nodded as I turned and walked down the hall.

“See you Monday, sir!” I called back to him with a merry wave. “Have a great weekend!”

“After you left,” BJ smirks over at me on the couch in Italy, “he asked if I’d used a condom before.”
