Page 289 of The Long Way Home

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Julian points at me and Kekoa grabs me from behind.

BJ sees and his eyes widen to panic. “Don’t fucking touch h—”

Then Julian takes a swing at him. BJ ducks it but then Julian undercuts him and BJ falls backwards.

“Julian!” I yell.

BJ rams him, knocks Jules clean off his feet.

I’m bucking in the arms of Kekoa, trying my hardest to get to them. I can’t see properly but I can hear the sound of them hitting one another. The sound of fist meeting face, the crack of a jaw taking a heavy swing. The horrible grinding a nose makes when it takes a blow.

There are fists flying, crunches and cracks, and I guess at one point I must have started crying because my face is wet now and I’m screaming for them to stop it, but neither of them are listening to me. I’m screaming for Henry, for Christian, for Jonah.

Jonah comes running eventually from somewhere deep in the belly of the club and pulls me from Kekoa’s arms, hurling me into Christian’s and then he dives between his two best friends who are trying to tear each other apart. He drags BJ away, holding him back.

Julian stands, chest heaving. His face is bloody. He eyes BJ, shakes his head. “You better get him the fuck out of here,” he says through clenched teeth.

Jonah shoves BJ down the hall and our eyes catch as he passes me — he’s bloody too — his eyes look sorry and heavy as they slip past me.

My breathing keeps getting caught in my chest.

“What are you doing?” I yell at Julian.

“How many times do I have to tell you?” Julian bellows at me, getting right up in my face. Christian’s grip on me tightens. “We’re not fucking dating! We’ve only ever been fucking.”

I take a breath that sounds like a cry. Maybe it is.

I don’t know why I would be.

Because I’m worried about BJ, maybe? Because I’m embarrassed? Because I’m sad that Julian would do that to me? How many times has he done that to me? Am I always right around the corner?

Julian waves his hand in my direction but he doesn’t look me in the eye.

“Take her home,” he tells no one in particular.

“Come on—” Christian pulls me away from Julian and as he does, Julian looks up at me.

His breathing is uneven and the edges of his eyes look frayed with a hurt I don’t really understand.

And then I turn away from him.
