Page 99 of The Long Way Home

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Rush tilts his head. “You okay?”

“No.” I grin stupidly and he laughs. I’m happy to hear his laugh, actually.

“You’ve been in the papers a lot.” I poke him and he sighs. “Are you and Montana still…?”

“Yep.” He nods solemnly.

“No better?”

He shakes his head, gives me a steep look. “Got a bit better when you were with Jack-Jack, but no. It’s back to shit.”

Montana Sykes. Rush’s on-and-off love of his life. Big up-and-coming actress. She was a child star but transitioned really well. Last year she won an Oscar for that film, the one with the old people. Do you know the one I mean?

“Are they saying terribly mean things?” I ask quietly.

“Yeah.” He sighs, tired. “Can’t get enough of us.”

“Is any of it true?” I ask him. That they got back together, he cheated on her again, she found out and now she’s dating her co-star who also happens to be his old housemate.

He scratches the back of his neck and looks a bit sad. “Most of it, I’m afraid.”

I purse my lips. “I’m sorry, Rush.”

He licks his lips. Definitely sad. “Yeah.” He sighs. “Me too.”

Then he looks at me and squints his big blue eyes. “We’re not hooking up, by the way.”

“Oh.” I nod, wide-eyed. “Good. That’s what every girl wants to hear.”

He sniffs a laugh and gives me a little look, pinches my hand. “I don’t not want to, Parks. And, I mean, forget that Tom’d kill me — again — but Jack-Jack might actually kill me.”

“You could probably take him.” I squeeze his arm playfully and he smacks me off him with a look.

“I don’t want to take him. I want to not have sex with the girl one of my best mates is in love with. Again.”

“Don’t make it sound like that,” I pout, because I would never. I’m not like that. “I didn’t even give you a sideways glance while I was with either of them.”

“Don’t I fucking know it.” He rolls his eyes. “Dropped me like a fucking hot potato.”

“You can’t have it both ways.”

“Yes I can.” He gives me a look and speaks in a dumb voice, “I’m famous.”

I take Rush’s drink from his hand and take a sip. As I do, my eyes accidentally drift back over to BJ. He’s staring at me from the other side of the room and my heart hits the floor because his eyes are the only eyes I care about and the only way it seems like I can get them on me is by being with someone else.

I swallow once.

Rush follows my gaze. “Does Ballentine know you broke up with Jack-Jack Cavan for him?”

I give him a long look. “No.” I clear my throat. “And I didn’t.”

“Yeah, right.” He snorts.

I shake my head. ‘He doesn’t want me like that anymore.”

“Oi, Parks, take it from me: just because he’s fucking shit up, doesn’t mean he doesn’t want you.” He lifts his eyebrows in this hopeless, sexy way and I remember why we kept having sex for five months even though we usually felt like shit after. “I’m completely in love with Montana and I fuck up regularly.”

I put my chin in my hand and bat my eyes at him. “That is true.”
