Page 30 of Savage Elites

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Stilling, I slowly turn around and lock eyes with Ason. He’s delicious looking in his dark blazer and perfectly styled pants. His hair is messy and I can’t help but suck in a deep breath when he runs a hand through his messy locks. His dark eyes seem to heat me to the core.

“Um...” I begin to get flustered. “I was going to check on something in the library really quick,” I lie.

Shaking his head, Ason smirks and I swear, I may just die right there. He is so good looking, it’s almost a sin.

“You are skipping the pep rally, aren’t you?” he asks. There’s a light of excitement in those dangerous eyes and I can’t help but be transfixed by them.

I can’t lie to him. “Yeah, it’s just not for me. But, why aren’t you there?” I ask, suddenly realizing he’s missing his own pep rally. “You're on the baseball team.”

Ason glances away for a moment like he is conflicted about what to say. It strikes me again that Ason is rumored to have a mystery girl that he has fallen for. I have no business to be talking to him right now in this darkened hallway.

“Yeah, but I don’t give a shit about pep rallies. I like playing baseball, but I don’t need the celebrations and nonsense that this pretentious school offers. This is just a reason for the cheerleaders and dance team to shake their asses and for students to get out of class the rest of the day,” he snarls, his hostility toward the event ringing loud and clear.

“That’s very... honest,” I reply, not sure what else to say.

Taking a step closer, Ason paralyzes me with his smile. “Do you want to leave?” he asks.

My brain goes fuzzy and I feel like I’m in the Twilight Zone. Did I just hear him correctly?

“What?” I ask, unsure that I heard him right. Maybe my mind is playing tricks on me.

“I don’t want to be here. Do you want to leave? Maybe go somewhere and get something to eat? Or, we could go ahead and get our tutoring out of the way so you don’t have to stay after school today,” he offers.

My heart sinks a little as he brings up our tutoring session. For just a brief second, I thought maybe, just maybe he may want to just hang out with me. Such a foolish thought for a girl like me. I’m not part of the Elite. I’m not some beautiful, runway model that he would chase after. No, I’m just plain ol’ nerdy me. The girl without a life. The girl from the shadows.

“Won’t your girlfriend be upset?” I ask, daring to get the answer to the gossip spreading around school.

Also, I need the confirmation for my own sanity. Knowing for sure that he has a girlfriend will help me stop this delusion I’m stuck inside of. I have to stop thinking of Ason as anything but an Elite. A powerful guy who comes from one of the most notorious families in Savannah. I need to be reminded that a guy like Ason would never look at me as anything more than a tutor. Plus, I have to know for sure if I crossed a line that I shouldn't. I would never mess around with someone else's boyfriend; regardless of how irresistible they are.

Ason’s eyes narrow down at me and his mouth falls into a grim line. “I don’t have a girlfriend,” he states flatly.

“Oh,” is all I can say.

I glance down at my shoes. I’ve never skipped school before, but the idea of leaving with Ason is driving me wild.

“Won’t we get into trouble?” I ask, looking back up at Ason.

He’s intently watching me and it makes my heart still. I can’t make out his expression, but he’s driving me wild.

“Who is going to tell on us? The entire school is at the pep rally,” he says, that charming smile chipping away at any unease I’m feeling. “So, are you coming with me or not?” he asks, turning to walk away.

This is insane.

Ludicrous even.

But that doesn’t stop me from blurting out the last thing I ever thought I would say. “Ok, sure.”

“Ok, let’s go,” he says, leading me down the hallway.

I glance back at the empty library and then back to the strong, gorgeous boy who I am blindly following. I have no idea where we are going and right now, I honestly don’t care. As I fall into step next to Ason, I feel a slight smile tug at my lips. When we exit the school, the blinding sunlight warms my already heated face. Ason leads me to toward his sleek sports car and I pause. As he goes to open his door, he notices that I have stopped.

“What?” he asks, confused.

I bite my lip and fidget with the hem of my skirt. “Do you want me to follow you in my car?”

I’m not sure he will feel awkward or embarrassed if someone were to see me with him. Of course, they would have to probably do a double take to ensure they were seeing things correctly. The Elites don’t usually talk to people outside of their small, inner circle, unless they are at parties.

“No, just ride with me,” he says, sliding into his driver's seat.

As I walk toward the car, I feel butterflies fluttering in my belly. This can’t be real. Any minute now, I will wake up from this berserk dream. However, right now, I am going to enjoy this moment while it lasts. Sitting down next to Ason, he revs the engine as he smiles my way. My heart beats wildly against my chest as the seat below me vibrates from the massive engine running. That smile melts hearts and steals souls and right now, I have just become a victim to Ason’s charm. All I can do is pray that this savage boy doesn’t destroy me.
