Page 31 of Savage Elites

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“Won’t we get into trouble?”

Scarlette’s innocent drives me absolutely crazy.

Her fear of getting into trouble only made me want her more. I knew it was wrong of me to even insist that she skip the pep rally, but I could tell that she wanted to be anywhere else but at the school. I had been watching her all day. Maintaining a healthy distance was key, but I always had a view of her. When everyone else started to make their way down to the gym, Scarlette looked around before retreating the opposite direction. Intrigued, I had to follow her. Now, as she sits next to me, I can’t help but think about how I am already corrupting this beautiful, good girl.

Driving through the streets of Savannah, I roll down the windows of my car and allow the fresh breeze to float through the interior. The wind blows Scarlette’s hair all around her and my god, she is more beautiful than ever. She fights each strand, trying to tuck the loose pieces behind her ear. She lets out a laugh that sounds like a symphony to my ears.

Never have I enjoyed a moment in my life, like I am this one right now. We are carefree and wild, driving through town without a worry.

“So, where are we going?” she finally asks, once I slowdown in traffic.

“We could go to my house. My cook could make us something to eat if you are hungry,” I offer.

I realize once I’ve said it, that she may think I’m trying to get her in my bed. I mean, it wouldn’t be the first time that I left school with a girl to get laid, but I’ve never taken them to my house before. That’s too personal.

“Umm...” She shies away from me as she bites that damn lip again.

I feel my dick start to grow hard at the thought of what those sweet lips could do. Shaking my head, I try to fight that image out of my head. A girl like Scarlette deserves more respect than that. She deserves better than me, but Gabby’s words have been playing on repeat in my head, and I have to see if I can do it. If I can be a good guy for Scarlette.

“If you are uncomfortable, we can go somewhere else,” I state, not wanting her to feel uncomfortable.

“No, your house is fine,” she says quickly.

We drive the rest of the way in silence and once I reach the gates to my house, I see her shift in her seat. Scarlette stares up at the long driveway and when she gets a view of the large, plantation home, she looks completely shocked.

“Wow, this is your house,” she whispers.

“Yeah, you sound surprised,” I chuckle.

She blushes and fuck me, it’s adorable.

“Well, I just expected you to live somewhere more—modern,” she states.

Nodding, I smile up at my house. People always expect my family to live in some modern, sleek, new home in the city. Instead, my dad fell in love with this house when he was still a bachelor, and then my mom loved it, too. It’s all I’ve ever known and I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else. Well, maybe I wouldn’t mind if the swaps weren’t here, but that’s not the point here. I love the classic feel of this house.

“A lot of people think that. I guess I’m full of surprises,” I say, turning to face her again.

“That, you are,” she quips.

Leaning in close, I whisper in her ear, “Were you expecting guns, men in cheap suits, and the Soprano theme song to be playing?” I ask.

I know that I am being risky playing a dangerous move with my snarky comment. I know the rumors that are spread about my family.

Scarlette’s wide eyes look back at me. “No, but I did expect track suits and gold chains,” she jokes.

This causes me to smile. I almost expected her to run out of my house, but instead, she made a joke, too. She is more than I ever imagined she would be.

I park the car and we get out. Walking into my house, I hear my mom in the kitchen. Scarlette grows nervous next to me.

“Ason, is that you?” mom calls out.

Her heels click against the wooden floor as she starts walking toward us. I can already feel the tension radiating off of her before she even enters the room. My mom loves me more than anything, but she also knows that I am one to fuck up and get into trouble. I hate that I worry her, but right now, I need to think of a reason for why I am not at school.

“Yeah, mom. It’s me,” I yell out.

As she enters the foyer, her eyes grow large as she takes in me, then Scarlette. I can tell she’s confused and probably a little worried, too.
