Page 53 of Savage Elites

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In one night, my entire life imploded.

I single-handedly destroyed my father’s faith in me of ever taking over the Antoni Mafia Family. In all honesty, Talon or even Gabby would be a better fit, but I’ve never dared to say that to him. But now, I am faced with one of the biggest challenges of my life.

It’s been two days since I blew up and wrecked my bedroom. My father hasn’t spoken to me, my mother is watching me like a hawk, and Talon and Micah haven’t answered my texts or calls. Gabby has come by to check on me, but she really hasn’t said much to me. I know that she’s disappointed in me, but out of everyone, she understands me the most. She knew I was hurting and now, she knows why.

Then, there’s Scarlette.

My perfect, beautiful, and angel of a girlfriend. She’s been a gift from the heavens to me. She checks on me each day and just knowing that I will see her face, has kept me sane throughout these tortuous days. I have to go back to school next week and begin preparing for graduation. But tonight, I have to meet with my father and the rest of the Antoni Mafia Family. My fate will be handed down to me and I have to accept whatever it is.

The heavy silence fills the room as we all gather around the dining room table.

The very same table that I sat at only two nights ago when I informed my family that I didn’t want to be part of the world that they had given me.

No one looks me in the eye, and that stings. I’m already being treated differently and I hate feeling like I am about to lose the people closest to me.

I am shocked when my dad remains seated at the start of the meeting. Instead, my uncle Chance begins. “Thank you for meeting again. We have something that needs to be discussed and a vote much take place,” he states firmly. All eyes are locked on Chance and the room goes even more tense. I feel like I am suffocating as I sit there, awaiting my sentencing. Finally looking at me, Chance nods as he continues. “Ason, you have made a decision about your place in the Antoni Mafia Family. As a blood member of the mafia, you have provided us with a large obstacle. We will need to discuss the next steps,” he says somberly.

Tears fill Gabby’s eyes and I watch as she carefully dabs them away. Micah swallows hard and Talon glances my way briefly. I hate this so much, but now, there isn’t anything I can do about it.

“Stop!” my father shouts, standing and slamming his hands on the large table.

Everyone jumps and a nervous energy fills me.

“I need to talk to my son. Alone,” he roars out.

At once, everyone scatters out of the room. When the Capo makes an announcement, you do as your told.

Fear pricks at me as I watch my father stare me down. There is a mix of anger and sadness in his eyes and I’ve never seen him look like this before. When we are finally alone, he lets his shoulders drop and releases a heavy breath.

“Ason, I am truly at a loss for words right now,” he begins, hanging his head low.

My father, who is one of the strongest men that I know, looks defeated and broken. I wasn’t prepared to see my father like this. It is almost killing me. I’ve waited my entire life to tell him what I am about to say. Years of emotions are finally breaking the surface.

“Dad, I’m sorry that I have disappointed you. I appreciate everything the mafia has done for me, but I just don’t think a life of crime is right for me. I can’t kill. I can’t hurt people,” I confess.

I hear the irony in my words. I have a temper; just like my mother. But I’ve never intentionally hurt anyone before.

Shaking his head, my dad rounds the table and I instinctively take a step back. I’ve never feared my dad hurting me, but in this moment, I have no idea what to expect. When he sees me move, his eyes shoot up in shock.

“Son, I don’t want you to ever fear me. I love you and I just want you to have the best life. The life you want. I am not going to lie and say that it doesn’t hurt to know that you don’t want a part in the mafia. It kills me, but I love you enough to let you make your own decisions. But please, let me help you,” he pleads.

I don’t expect any of this. I thought my father would disown me. Tell me he doesn’t love me anymore. Instead, he wants to help me! Maybe Scarlette was right; things in my life are changing because I am opening myself up to having more.

“I respect the mafia. I just don’t want to hurt people,” I tell him.

“There is more to the mafia than killing,” my dad chuckles. “You could own a business, become a doctor, an accountant, an attorney... the possibilities are endless. My companies will be yours one day. The Antoni Mafia Family will be yours, too, if you want it. Or, you can share the role and delegate it out to those you deem fit. You could be in control of everything. And, I want to clarify something. I’ve never killed an innocent man. I only go after those who have hurt or tried to hurt those I love. I need you to understand that, Ason. There are many sides to the mafia, but the Antoni’s are on the good side.”

I allow his words to sink in. I guess I’ve never really taken the chance to understand the inner workings of the Antoni Mafia. I allowed the gun shots I heard late at night and stories filled with heated murders to form my view of the mafia. When, in reality, there is more to it. Ryder and Chance own businesses. Solly and Gia train the new recruits. My dad owns businesses and helps protect local companies against rival mafia families. While I still don’t want to ever be fully immersed in the life, I could play a role in keeping it a respected business centered world.

“Dad, I didn’t realize how different everything was. I still don’t know exactly what I want to do, but I do know that I could see myself helping out with the Antoni Mafia one day. Maybe,” I explain.

A light sparks in my dad’s eyes and that brings a sense of hope to me. While neither of us are ok with any of this, at least for now, we have come to an agreement that we both can live with.

Placing a hand on my shoulder, my dad pulls me in for a hug. It’s nice and comforting as he holds me tightly. At some point, my mom sneaks into the room and joins our hug. After a few minutes, we separate.

“Is everything ok now?” mom asks.

I know she has been a wreck over all of this. Bringing her comfort now makes me happy.

“Yes,” I tell her.

“So, are you going to tell me about Scarlette?” dad asks me.

I feel my heart race at the mention of her name. I am not even sure how to explain my love for Scarlette. Nodding, a wide grin appears over my face. “Yes, but I think I need to invite a few more people into this conversation.” Stopping, I pull out my phone and send a text to my group chat. In seconds, Talon, Micah, and Gabby appear in the dining room with us.

We all sit down and for the next hour, I tell them all about Scarlette; the beautiful girl who stole my heart and changed my life forever.
