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The conference roomhad cleared out less than five minutes ago, each of the department heads rushing back to their offices so they, too, could finish up any last-minute work before taking holiday leave.I shoved the last of the papers into my briefcase after the longest meeting ever.I’d been the Pinegrove Memorial Hospital administrator going on seven years, and each day brought its challenges.

“I thought you were taking the rest of the week off?”A scolding feminine voice broke the silence.

In the doorway,dressed in her lavender nurse’s scrubs, stood Penny, one of Livvie’s best friends, who also happened to be married to one of my friends, and a fellow Dom—Marcus.

“You know there’s no such thing as a day off when you’re the boss.”I chuckled.

She nodded sagely.“This is true.Is Livvie getting excited for this weekend?”

“We both are.Two full days of decadence and indulgence?What’s not to look forward to?Once we drop Chloe off at my folks’, we’re heading over.”

“The gang can’t wait to see you guys.We’ve missed the two of you.”Penny waved her hands at me.“Sorry, I’m holding you up, so go.Marcus and I will see you tonight.”

“I know, I’m late,”I called out the second I stepped into the house ten minutes after I said I’d be home.

Livvie came down the stairs carrying a duffel bag over her shoulder, with a narrow-eyed glare.“You planned it, didn’t you?Get home after I’ve done all the heavy lifting and dragging our bags downstairs.”

I rushed over, snagged the luggage from her hands, and brushed an apology kiss across her cheeks.“What if I say it’s Penny’s fault?”

She slammed her hands on her hips.“Are you really going to put the blame on my sweet, sweet friend?”

A snort left me.“Okay, so maybe that’s a stretch,” I admitted and held up the bag.“Is this the last of it?”

“No, there’s Chloe’s suitcase still.”

“I’ll grab it quick and put both of these in the car.Do you need me to do anything else?”I asked.

Livvie glanced around, turning in a circle, her gaze scanning the room.“I think that’s everything.Except our child.”

“Why don’t you grab her while I get these last two bags, and we can get going.”

An hour later, we pulled into my parents’ driveway.My mother stepped out of the front door, waving, with a smile on her face, as though she’d been eagerly anticipating our arrival.I parked the car and Livvie helped Chloe out of the back seat while I circled the vehicle to grab Chloe’s suitcase from the trunk.

“Nana,” she hollered and raced up the concrete to collide with my mother.

A few paces behind, Livvie reached her next, and she too got pulled into a giant hug.Nothing made me happier than the fact my parents loved my wife like she were their own daughter.It hadn’t started out quite that way, but they’d come around.

My father exited the house, just as I reached the front stoop, and got his hugs in as well before my mother ushered us inside.The scent of cinnamon and sugar assaulted me, a reminder of my favorite holiday tradition.No sooner had I set Chloe’s suitcase down in the entryway than my mother’s arms wrapped around me.“Merry Christmas, Gareth.”

“Merry Christmas to you too, Mom.It smells wonderful in here.”

“Of course it does,” she chuckled and turned to Livvie.“I might have some of your favorite cinnamon rolls, fresh out of the oven, if you and Chloe want to head in there and grab a couple before you have to leave again.”

My wife and I both moaned our approval.“Oh my gosh, Brenda, you know how much we love those things.Thank you.”

“Cinnamon rolls, you say?”my father perked up.“How did I not know?”

My mother narrowed her eyes and scolded him with a teasing shake of her finger.“If you didn’t lock yourself in your office for hours on end, working on your miniature bottle projects, maybe you wouldn’t miss out on things.”

“I’ll try to pay more attention, dear.”My father bussed a kiss across her cheek.“Come on, Chloe Bell, let’s go sneak a treat while Nana is feeling generous.”

With a laugh, my father took our daughter’s hand and led her and Livvie toward the kitchen.I moved to follow, but my mother laid a hand on my arm.I glanced at her in question.She waited until the three of them were out of view and then turned to me.

“How’s she doing?”
