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The sun had barely dippedbehind the horizon when we pulled into the gated parking lot across from the last empty warehouse on the street.The heady buzz of adrenaline that had started when we’d left my in-laws’ place had amplified at the sight of the twinkling Christmas lights over the front door of the neighboring building.

Gareth exited the car, and like the gentleman he’d always been, circled the vehicle and held out a hand to help me out.He closed the door behind me.In his other hand, he carried his special duffel bag.

“Can you believe how much this area has changed over the last five years?”he asked as he guided me across the street.

“Who knew, when you opened Eden here all those years ago, that the city would end up putting millions of dollars into a revitalization project and turn all these empty warehouses into upscale condominiums?”

“I bet a few of the residents would be scandalized to know that a BDSM club is mere steps from their front doors.”Gareth chuckled, a devious grin crossing his face.

My lips tipped up to match.I could only imagine.We reached the nondescript, wooden door and he rapped his knuckles against it.It opened a few moments later, and a Viking with long, dark blond hair and a matching bushy beard stood in the opening.

“Mr.and Mrs.Brown,” he greeted us with a familiar smile.“Welcome to A Very Naughty Christmas Eden.”

“Evening, Philip.”I laughed and handed my coat to Gareth to hang in the closet.“Bridget’s making you say that to everyone who walks through the door, isn’t she?”

“Of course she is,” the bouncer said good-naturedly.“But it’s fun.Christmas has become Casey and Poppy’s favorite holiday, which, in turn, makes it mine.”

“Have your wife call me some time after the first of the year, so we can arrange a playdate with Chloe and Poppy.The girls miss each other,” I told him.

Philip nodded.“Will do.”

Gareth placed his hand on my lower back and guided us through the partially hidden doorway that led down a semi-lit hallway.Music filtered through the air, growing louder the closer we got to the playroom.Faint purplish light glowed from the end of the darkened path, getting brighter with each step we took.

The hall opened up into a giant space filled with utter decadence.My heart skipped a beat and a throbbingthump, thumpstarted in my core.Already, couples and triads were playing.The musky scent of sex permeated the air.The stage was lit up with all focus on the woman tied to the St.Andrew’s Cross that graced it, as the masked Dom standing behind her snapped the whip in his hand.

The crack reverberated down my spine, making me shiver in arousal.I loved the sound it made, but I’d quickly discovered after a single night of experimenting that it wasn’t my kink.Still, the look of utter ecstasy on the submissive’s face was enough for me to appreciate it.

“Yay, you’re here,” a feminine voice exclaimed.“We can finally get the party started.”

Gareth and I both turned toward it.Bridget, with her bright red hair pulled up into two space buns, rushed over.Despite having three kids, she still had an almost slender build—except for the perky breasts I envied.Ones that were currently on full display, though her nipples were covered by red tassels.

“I’ll let you two ladies catch up.I’m going to head to the bar, since Connor and Donovan are over there.”Gareth leaned down and whispered in my ear.“Don’t forget my Christmas wish.”

He smacked me on the ass and I jumped.The he walked away, but not before sending me a sly wink that made me laugh.

“I’m so happy to see you,” I squealed and pulled Bridget in for a hug.

She leaned back and eye-balled me up and down.“I really hope that’s not what you’re wearing tonight.”

I glanced down at my burgundy corset top and black mini skirt before returning my gaze to hers.“Why, what’s wrong with it?I mean, it’s not like I’ll probably be wearing it that long anyway.”I smirked.

Bridget put her hands on her red satin, G-string lined hips and cocked her head.“That’s not the point.And there’s nothing wrong with it, per se.It’s just not very festive.”

A sneaky suspicion came over me.I dropped my stare to her boobs and back up.“Well, I’m certainly not wearing pasties.”

Her eyes widened in faux shock, and she fluttered her eyelashes and placed a hand to herchest.“As if I would ever suggest that a sweet innocent such as yourself wear these scandalous things.”She palmed her breasts and twirled the tassels.

I snorted and shook my head while she laughed and dropped her hands to grab one of mine.“Come on.I promised your husband I would dress you appropriately.You and I both know you want to, anyway.Plus, the girls are waiting for us in the locker room.”

Bridget led me to the right side of the room and through a door near the corner.We’d talked our husbands into adding both a men’s and women’s locker room a few winters ago when the temperatures had gotten so cold.There was no way I planned on wearing next to nothing and freezing my assets off walking across the parking lot from our car to the front door.

“Look who finally decided to join us,” Bridget called out once she opened the door.

Inside the sitting room, all our friends loitered.Josie and her sister, Phebe, sat in the chaise with their heads together, but both glanced up at our arrival, their faces beaming with excitement.Penny and Gina sat in side-by-side overstuffed chairs, but both jumped to their feet with a happy squeal and raced over to give me a hug.
