Page 15 of Her Arrival

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I spend the night staring at the ceiling in my cabin. I’m itching to slip into Alana’s cabin, but I don’t know if that’s what she wants. I don’t know if she wants to feel the weight of my body against hers as I slip into bed.

Morning comes and when I step out of my cabin, Alana is standing there. The sun reflects against her hair and highlights the green in her eyes. She’s wearing a thin pair of leggings that hug her curves, and a loose sweatshirt.

She wears a huge smile as she says, “Be my search partner?”

It takes everything I have to not pull her into my arms. My eyes shift towards the sleepy wolves that are leaving their cabins. Not here. Not yet.

I grin, “Of course.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I make out Kim coming over to us. Her eyes flash with mischief as she approaches us.

“Let me guess, you guys are partners?” She winks and whispers, “Be careful not to make any pups while we’re looking. We should find the wolves we’re missing before we start making new ones.”

Her laugh cuts through the air and I reach out and shove my arm against her shoulder. “Shut it, Kim.”

Kim laughs as she hustles over to a male wolf. I’ve seen him around, in the background. I think his name is Brad. I’ve seen him with Jenna, and a part of me hopes that I’m the only one making an enemy out of Jenna in this pack. I hope Kim can handle herself; she makes Alana really happy.

I jerk my head in the direction of the woods. “Let’s head back to Cosmos. There’s a few places we need to investigate.”

“I’m in.”

We transform and take off. It feels good to stretch my legs in my true form. It feels even better to see Alana’s smaller wolf running beside me, letting go of her anxieties as she pushes herself to keep up.

After two and a half hours of running, and a quick stop in Cosmos to get some camping supplies, we walk towards a dense patch of woods.

I sigh and say, “This is a good place to investigate. We can start looking for girls nearby.”

Alana nods and falls onto the ground. She crosses one leg over the other. “Good. I’m ready for a meal.”

We make a fire and start to prepare the bird that Alana caught on the way here. She did it so confidently, snapping it between her jaws, a type of aggression I haven’t expected from her before.

She plucks at the feathers on the bird, and I sit beside her. My hand brushes against hers as I go to pull feathers off of it and she chuckles.

“Wesley, what are you doing?”

Her eyes linger on mine, and I start to reply before I realize what she’s really asking. What am I doing with her; why am I in her space to pick at a bird she’s more than capable of handling?

Instead of answering her, I lean forward and slip my hands behind her neck. I work my fingers along the back of her neck and I breathe deep.

The wind is nearly knocked out of me as her small palm slams against my chest and she throws one of her legs across me. She lifts her sweatshirt over her shoulders, exposing the rounded cups of the black bra that covers her breasts.

Her chest heaves as she leans towards me and hooks my eyes with her sultry gaze.

Her breath tickles my lips.

“Is this what you’re doing?”
