Page 14 of Her Arrival

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Chapter 6- Wesley

I’m rock hard as we head back to camp. The feeling of her breath on mine lingers with me. I imagine what it would be like for me to slip into her cabin once everyone has fallen asleep. Would she protest if I came to her bed and slipped myself inside of her?

I shake my head. I have to stay focused; there’s werewolves missing, and I’m going to find them.

When we arrive at camp, Jenna whirls around and says, “You. Come with me.”

I hold back a groan as we meet with the rest of the pack leaders in Jenna’s cabin. There’s a small fire going, and the smell of smoked rabbit wraps itself around us as we sit around the fire.

Jenna clears her throat and says, “Wesley has something he’d like to tell us. What’s on your mind, Wesley?”

Her voice is dripping with sarcasm. I start to say something smart-assed, but the image of Annetta’s pleading expression makes it to the front of my mind. This is bigger than me, and bigger than Jenna’s fucking ego.

“I want to find the missing girls. Looked into it today, and I think we should look further into it. Turns out dozens have gone missing over the last few months.”

Rico and Harrison send a questioning glance in her direction.

I clear my throat, bringing their attention back to me. They don’t need Jenna’s permission to listen to me. I demonstrate my point, “Harrison, Rico, we are going missing faster than anyone can look into it. We can’t let this happen to our own.”

Jenna scoffs and says, “I think- “

“AndIthink, that this is bigger than our opinions.”

I can feel Jenna staring daggers into the side of my face, but she’s not going to have much luck getting me to give a shit. I picture how relieved Alana will be once we recover the missing girls, how grateful she’ll be. I wonder what she’ll want to do once we’ve proven ourselves to be a valuable asset to this pack. Together.

Harrison sits back and strokes his fingers along the mug of tea sitting beside him. He sighs and says, “You’ve got my ear. What did you find out?”

Jenna yelps, “You can’t be serious! You’re going to let thisstrangercome in and- ”

Fury shoots through me as I snarl, “Yes! I’m the stranger that’s going to come in and save the day, because you don’t seem to be doing fuck all about it.”

I know that the other wolves can hear raised voices, and some of them might not be taking too kindly to how I’m speaking to leadership, but I don’t give a damn.

Rico holds his hands up and tosses a scathing look towards Jenna. “Jenna. He’s right, this is more important than us.” He gestures towards me and says, “Tell me what you know.”

I recount what Alana, Kim, and myself have learned from traveling to Cosmos. As I speak, the concern on Harrison and Rico’s faces deepens, their air of friendliness fading away as they begin to worry. Jenna seethes as she snatches a mug and a teabag out of the cupboard and stalks over to the fireplace. She sits with her back turned to us.

Good. It’s best to let the adults talk.

“What do you suggest?”

“We need to start searching the area nearby. We need to split into teams, and cover as much ground as we can. There has to be someone that knows more about this.”

Harrison considers this for a moment, then slaps his fist in his palm. “That’s it, then. I will make the announcement to the pack. Then tomorrow, we’ll start searching.”

A smirk spreads across my lips as Jenna angrily sips her tea. Looks like she doesn’t have as much absolute power as she thought. By the time I’m done with this pack, there might not be much power left for her to take. That’s how it worked at my last pack, but this will be different. I’ll make sure of it.

Rico and Harrison slip out of the cabin, and I make a beeline for the door. Jenna’s voice calls out to me, “Watch your step around here, Wes. Don’t get too comfortable too soon.”

I scoff. “I don’t remember saying you could call me Wes.”

The door slams on whatever she says next.

Alana beams as we make the announcement. I stand beside all four of the pack elders as he announces that we will be actively looking for the missing wolves.

Alana stands towards the back, noticed only by me as she wraps her arms around herself. She’s pulled her shiny black hair into a ponytail that only highlights the soft skin on her long neck. I want to run my tongue along her neck, suck it underneath my lips. I want her to suck me, too.

Harrison’s voice booms throughout the camp, “Tomorrow morning, we will start our search. Everyone will be assigned to an area nearby.”

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